Religious proverbs

  • In this page we present religious proverbs. 

    In the Religious Education (RE) lesson  we tallked about the book of Proverbs in the Old Testament. Let's search religious proverbs we use in each country  and  discuss them in this  Forum.  


    Nikolaos Greece: 


    This year, in the  Religious Education (RE) lesson we learnt about the Old Testament. One of the books of the Old Testament is the book of Proverbs.

    'Proverbs' is one of the books which are written by the wise King Solomon. It consists of 29 chapters and in it Solomon gathered all the wisdom of the people which until then was handed down only verbally. He also added some of his own stories. It is not exactly proverbs as we know them, but mostly tips urging  people to do what is right, to be wise and not foolish. It is a collection of exhortations, explicit sayings and parables.

    1. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge” 1,7
    2. “A good name is more desirable than great riches”22,1
    3. “A wise son brings joy to his father but a foolish son brings grief to his mother”10,1
    4. “Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring”27.1
    5. “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses”27,6

    Αγαπά ο Θεός τον κλέφτη, αγαπάει και τον νοικοκύρη.  - God loves the thief but he loves the owner too.(A thief may be lucky for once but God won't forget the landlord) 

    Απ'το στόμα σου και στου Θεού τ'αυτί.  - From your mouth to God's ear 

    Το πολύ το κύριε ελέησον το βαριέται και ο παπάς.   - Constant repetition of 'Kyrie eleison' ('God mercy upon us' prayer) is boring even for the priest.

    Βρήκε ο Φίλιππος τον Ναθαναήλ. - Philip found Nathanael.

    Δεν έχει ιερό ούτε όσιο!  -  Both his intentions and means are neither sacred nor holy!(for a person of no values or ethos)

    Θεέ μου, φύλαξέ με από τους φίλους μου, γιατί από τους εχθρούς μου φυλάγομαι μόνος μουGod save me from my friends, I can protect myself from my enemies.   

    Κανείς δεν είναι τόσο μόνος όσο αυτός που αρνείται τον θεό.-No one is so alone as the one who denies God.

    Ο Θεός τρέφει τα πουλιά, μα δεν τους βάζει και το φαΐ στη φωλιά… (Να μην τα περιμένουμε όλα από το Θεο) God feeds the birds, but does not put their food in the nest ... ( we should not expect everything from God but do our part first)

    Άλλος  έχασκε  και  άλλος  μετάλαβε ( in the church) : a man was waiting with his mouth open but another one got the holy communion .

    Cu cheia de aur se deschide poarta raiului./ A golden key opens any gate but that of heaven.

    Fiecare lucru are timpul său. / Man proposes, God disposes.

    When you want to look for happiness, seek it in God!

     Înţelepciune fără credinţă, nu e cu putinţă! Wisdom without faith, it's not possible! 

    Drumul spre iad e pavat cu intenții bune. / The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

    Din două rele s-alegi pe cea mai mică. / Of two evils choose the least.

    Cu moartea toate diferențele dispar. It will all be the same a hundred years hence.

    Hristos vine oriunde este chemat şi-L cheamă iubirea. /  Jesus comes anywhere is prayer and love.

    După binele pe care îl facem în viaţă, ne va judeca Dumnezeu. / After the good we do in life God will judge us.

    Să fii mulţumit pentru cele puţine şi vei deveni vrednic să primeşti cele multe./ Be thankful for the little and become worthy to receive the many.

    ,,Nu-ţi descoperi gândurile tuturor, ci numai acelora care îţi pot tămădui sufletul.'' / Do not reveal your thoughts to everyone, but only those who can heal your soul.

    ,,Un fiu înțelept îl face pe tatăl său bucuros, dar un fiu nebun este o durere pentru mama lui.'' / A wise son makes his father glad, but a foolish son is a grief to his mother.

    Dumnezeu îi ajută pe cei care se ajută pe ei înşişi. / God helps them that helps themselves.


    Students of the first group turned in to comic pictures some of them