World water day

  • World water day is celebrated on 22th March 2021. Let's participate in valuing water and thinking about this questions proposed by (NU):

    Water means different things to different people.

    This conversation is about what water means to you.

    How is water important to your home and family life, your livelihood, your cultural practices, your wellbeing, your local environment?

    In households, schools and workplaces, water can mean health, hygiene, dignity and productivity.

    In cultural, religious and spiritual places, water can mean a connection with creation, community and oneself.

    In natural spaces, water can mean peace, harmony and preservation.

    Today, water is under extreme threat from a growing population, increasing demands of agriculture and industry, and the worsening impacts of climate change.

    Tell us your stories, thoughts and feelings about water and share it in this jamboard.

    ONLINE MEETING -DISCUSSION -What does water mean to us?

    Jamboard helped us to think about water but this was not enough! We involved our schools in World Water Day celebration in order to raise awareness and value water. Finally we arrange an online meeting to discuss together about H2O.