Introducing the project in school communities


    It is a real honour to introduce A treasure called water on schools communities! We  planed work and shared some interesting products in order to present the project on schools. Welcome etwinning, welcome a treasure called water.


    Hello to everyone, here is our poster. We are very happy to enjoy in this project. We introduce the school theachers and pupils by online meeting by Teams. Poster and all informations will be on web site of school. 




    Hi Friends! We are very happy to inform you that we have introduced our project "A Tresure called Water" to our school community with a short video. We are working on a longer one!

    We have also used genially to create a poster. Here is the result:


    Here we go! We have introduce the project in class with the help of a poster and by carring out a little activity to show in the etwinning corner of the school. We have shared it on the bilingual program web site and at the school.

    In addition, "A treasure called water" was also officialy introduced in the IES MEDINA ALBAIDA SCHOOL COMMUNITY BY THE HEADTEACHER on the general teacher's meeting (11/11/20, 18:30h). We have also introduced etwinning platform and the project among families (families' meeting 21/12/20 18:00h). We have also presented in our website.


    Bornova Science and Art Center,

    Our project was officiallly introduced to the teachers via by regular online meetings. The students are informed by whatsup groups and then a special whatsup group was formed with the students involving in the project. 


    Since the ancient times,people have adopted 

    places close to water resources.

    Water and water resources contributed to the

    development of all civilizations.





    We have also used genially to create a poster. Here is the result.