Initial dissemination


    each nacional team post here your evidences:



    We presented the project to teachers and students the first days of October showing the power point (which it is now on the school website

    Videos and artcicles on local press in on social.


    Portuguese Team


    Introduction to the families (students and Parents)

    On the first day of classes, September 14, taking advantage of the reception to the students, a presentation was made to everyone about Erasmus projects.

    In the second week of classes, in the meetings with the Parents of Education, all Erasmus projects of the Group of Schools were presented and with particular emphasis on this.

    Since the approval of the project was heard, a promotional video about the project was created and shared on social networks.

    Spanish Team


    On the first day of classes, September 14, a videopresentation about Erasmus Plus was made in the initial meeting of teachers. All the aims and the main characteristics of the project were explained to the teachers and we take the deccision of forming a working team to prepare the more relevant aspects of the projects. We will work about the main points to work in etwinning in an interdisciplinar way and the steps to take in the burocracy of Erasmus.


    School's website

    The beginning of our project and its promotion was promoted on our website.

    School's WebSite


    School's social networks

    The beginning of our project and its promotion was promoted on our social networks. 


    Facebook Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco do Porto


    French Team

    Ermont, FRANCE

    Introduction to the students 

    The Erasmus+ project has been presented to students on the first day of school in September 2020 and on a wider scale during the Erasmus Days in October 2020. 

    Due to the Covid restrictions,no teacher-parent meetings has been organised.

    School's website

    The project with links to our Twinspace is showcased on our School's WebSite


    Turkısh Team

    School's WebSite

    Our Italy mobility's news on our school website