2.1 Christmas recipes

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    A Filloa is a kind of Crêpe typical of GALICIA by Lía (Spain)

    -500 ml milk
    - 3 eggs
    - 200 gr of flour
    - 1 spoon of sugar
    - 1 tablespoon sweet anise (optional)
    - A pinch of salt
    - A piece of Iberian bacon (unsalted), butter or margarine (unsalted) or oil

    How to make filloas: copy the link read the instructions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/181zCCJZ_ioyh7J8t3NuZ_hXZ5qxaW3V4/view?usp=sharing

    Butter cookies, by Carla (Spain)

    -200g butter [ room temperature]
    -120g sugar
    -280g wheat flour
    - 1 spoonful vanilla essence
    1.Mix the butter with the sugar
    2.Once mixed with add the vanilla essence
    3.Add the flour and mix well
    4.Let the dough rest for 20 minutes
    5.It is shaped
    6.baked 12 minutes.

    Czech recipe - Christmas carp schnitzel

    typical christmas Eve meal in the Czech Republic

    Czech recipe - Christmas braided sweet bread

    typical Christmas sweet meal in the Czech Republic

    Christmas cookies

    a recipe by Aleksandra, grade 8, Bulgaria

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    Decorated cookies, by Spanish students