
  • The eSafety Label

    ESL is a Europe-wide accreditation and support service for schools, aiming to provide a secure, enriching environment with safe access to online technology as part of the teaching and learning experience.

    Schools can review their own eSafety infrastructure, policy and practices against national and international standards. The eSL is currently active in 38 countries representing a community of almost 4,000 teachers and national contact points (Ministries of Education, universities, Safer Internet Centres, etc).

    Website: www.esafetylabel.eu/


    The Digital Agenda for Europe aims to have every European digital. Children have particular needs and vulnerabilities on the internet; however, the internet also provides a place of opportunities for children to access knowledge, to communicate, to develop their skills and to improve their job perspectives and employability.

    The 'Strategy for a Better Internet for Children' proposes a series of actions to be undertaken by the Commission, Member States and by the whole industry value chain.

    In reaching this point however, EC policy has evolved over the course of a number of years and via various programmes. To help track this process, we have developed a policy roadmap aiming to provide a chronological overview of the various relevant activity lines and stakeholders involved, including programme timelines, key outreach events and campaigns, the role of industry, as well as the ongoing evaluation processes.

    Etwinning and esafety

    eTwinning offers a safe platform both for teachers and students but you should consider some rules. 

    • don't send direct message or project invitation to teachers who are not in your contact list.
    • dont share your students pictures or videos without parent permission.
    • dont share your students pictures and videos in which their faces can be seen clearly.


    Sources: http://www.eun.org/projects/detail?articleId=674625
