8. Stroll at the communal plant nursery

  • Gather all information on the field trip to Bastia's plant nursery here on this padlet.

    Don't forget to comment your photos and videos etc. in English (for our twinspace) as well as in French (for the school's website).

    Thank you and have fun !


  • Bastia's communal plant nursery

    Field Trip 12.02.21
    Petit lexique de pépiniériste!

    tree/plant nursery


    faire des boutures
    make cuttings

    tu cut



    plante vivace
    perennial plant

    plante annuelle
    annual plant



    plante endémique
    endemic plant

    plante grasse
    greasy plant


    aménagement des espaces verts
    development of green spaces/areas

    The famous greasy plant "Aloe Vera"
    We didn't leave empty-handed
    Transplant of Laurier (Nerium oleander)

    After cutting the plants, we transplanted them into a big plant tray in order for them to develop roots and grow. We can see the girl (Nelli), dipping a branch in growing hormones to help their growth.

    Planting the cuted oleanders.

    In this picture we can see the young girls named Alahna and Nelli planting the cuted oleanders that you can see be cuted in the document "The cuttings". They are planted in termite susbtrate, this operation is called "transplant".

    The cuttings

    On this picture you can see me (the blond guy) and my friend Nicolas (with his beautiful yellow shoes) doing cuttings of oleanders. We were cutting the branches and the leaves in a very specific way by respecting a certain cutting lenght and cutting all the leaves of the branch except the three at the top. Also, as you can see, we were using gloves because the sap of this plant is very poisonous. After that we gathered all the cuted oleanders and planted them in a termite box, you can go see the document "Planting the cuted oleanders" for the rest.

    about the pictures

    Those pictures relates our trip to the plant nursery in Furiani.
    It's a great site where you can find flowers, aromatic herbs and beatyfull plants.
    The group picture us and the plant nursery squad and their dog:Gizmo,for us, from left to rigth there is chjarra stella(a kind and nice girl),Alex( he's fun and nice), Alahna(a quiet and funny girl) ,Florian with the hand up( he's funny), Thuan( he's smart and quiet), Guylian the taller( a creep, a weirdo), Estelle( a very smart girl), Matheo( he love metal), Marc'adria(booked and smart) ,Nicolas( the smarter boy that i know and au fan of history), Neili (a kind girl) and Soleia (a nice girl).


    Here we can see members of our squad (Alahna, Nelli and Guylian) repotting small plants.

    Gizmo: the very frightening watch dog!
    Summary of the day to visite the plant nursery
    Visit the plant nursery with us

    Pictures and music to enjoy this place!

    Red flower

    One if the most beautiful flower in the plant nursery, she is cute.

    A surprise to be sure but a welcome one.

    We meet a donkey in the plant nusery. We don't know why it was here.
