1. Ice-breaking activities: Let's get to know each other!

  • 20 endemic or well-known plants from our region; which one represents you best?

    Mentha requienii menthe corse

    Name: Menthe corse
    scientific name: Mentha requienii
    Family: Lamiacées
    Type(s) de plante: Flowering plant
    Flower color: pink and purple
    tapering plant
    recipe: Omelet with brocciu and corsican mantle

    Lilium bulbiferum : Lys orangé / orange lily

    The orange lily is a bulbous plant, perennial and very hardy (up to -34°C). It expresses the joy of life, cheerfulness, success and is also synonymous with passion.

    The Dracunculus Muscivorus

    The Dracunculus Muscivorus, most commonly called in french "l'arum mange-mouches" is a carnivorous plant that looks like an anus of a dead mammal :) and also smells like a dead animal:)). However this putrid smell can attract flies and then the plant can eat them, which is cool because flies are annoying.
    Tamagna Mathéo

    Posidonia oceanica

    The possidonie is a plant aquatic only present in mediterranean .She form a herbarium component an ecosystem sheltering various species including protected ones such as the great mother-of-pearl .She also helps to prevent beach erosion by forming dead posidonia dunes and produces oxygen . But the posidonia is a threatened species because she is in competition with two tropical algae accidentally introduced into the Mediterranean .
    Marcu-andria Aine-grossa

    Atropa belladonna.

    The atropa belladonna is more simply called belladone in french. It blooms from June to August and gives fruits often confused with blueberries.
    His name atropa is from one of the three Moires who was called Atropos,in the legend she was the one who cut off the thread of life. Belladonna comes from italian, it means " beautiful woman " because during the Rebirth age, womens put it in the eye in order to be more attractive.
    This plant is very toxic and it was associated with witchcraft and was used for poisoning.
    It's one of my favorite plant because of its toxicity and its appearance of a harmless plant that hides its dark side. Things are not always what they seem to be just like me. Nicolas Villard


    Myrtle is a very widespread plant of the Myrtaceae family.It is a small tree that does not exceed 3 meters in height with evergreen foliage and white flowers that appear in June-July.Its not very fleshy fruits are berries of a purple-black color that resemble blueberries and which are picked in Autumn to make liquor.
    SANCHEZ Thuan (Corse)


    Pozzines are thick lawns, which look like moss. Their name comes from "pozzi" which means "well" in Corsica.
    SANCHEZ Thuan (corse)

    Cistus Creticus

    The Cistus Cretus is a plant in the family Cistaceae. We can find them between 20 and 1600 meters of altitude.
    It has pink-purple flowers. The flower has 5 petals and big grey-green leaf.
    This plant love heat and sun.

    Favereaux Alahna :)


    The asphodèle (Asphodelus) is a rare plant, which you find in Corsica and in the Méditerranean. It grows most of the time on the linestone soil
    In the anicent timme she was named "Poireau du diable" and was utilised to the décorated the graves

    Alex (Korse)


    The grape, is more simply called raisin in French.
    This plant are growing for wine or just for eat. There are a lot of species of grape, for example white and red grape.
    In Corsica there are 5700 hectares.
    Sophie Tardy

    Digitalis purpurea

    scarlet digital, from the latin "digitus" meaning "finger" which came from the fact that a finger can fit inside the flower. Careful not do to it though, this plant is venimous but is still spread all over Corsica.
    This flower's poison can reduce the rythm of the heart, which can be deadly or helpful if it is medically used. The poisonneous molecule is called "digitaline"
    Albertini Estelle

    Origanum majorana

    Origanum majorana also called Marjolaine in french, is a plant used against axiety,pain, insomnia, high blood pleasure and more. The texture of the leaf is extremely smooth due to the presence of numerous hairs.

    corsican immortal (immortelle corse) (hélichrysum italicum)

    This flower is a famous medicinal plant , it's used for prescribe bruises, scars, phlebitis, oedemas, varicosity and cosmetics.
    We can find it in many country as Maroc, Italia, Corsica, Slovenia.
    For more information, try this https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helichrysum_italicum

    Rubus arcticus, Arctic bramble/raspberry

    Belonging to the rose family.​
    Grows up to 30 cm tall.​
    The flower is pink-purple in its colour.
    Its habitat includes wetlands for example, damp meadows and river banks.
    A very tasty berry and among other uses, to make jam and liqueur, or flavour tea.

    Nymphaea alba (waterlily)

    The white waterlily is an aquatic plant that grows in lakes and ponds that are up to 150cm. The plant has stems under the water with rounded leaves and white petals that float on the surface.
    The waterlily blooms from June to September and is common in northern countries as well as around in Europe. The plant even reduces the growth of algae in the ponds/lakes.

    The white (=alba) flower was believed to appear when a nymph (=nymphaea) would die of jealousy.

    Trifolium​ Clover​ Klöver​ Apilat

    Clover are common names for over 300 species of flowering plants in the pea family Fabaceae​. The plant occur mainly in the Northern Hemisphere​. The clover usually has three leaves but in some unusual cases the clover can have four leaves. That is why four-leaf clover is considered to bring luck. The flower can be red, purple or white and in some cases yellow.

    Wilma Widlöf

    Hippophaë rhamnoides (Sea buckthorn)

    This is a plant quite common in drier regions and near waters. It often takes form as low bushes, but given the right conditions it can also grow into smaller trees. It's overall mostly known for its rather sour orange berries. These are rich in vitamin C and can be used in both cooking and baking.

    Sorbus aucuparia​

    The Mountain ash has white flowers in the early summer. Later in the summer, the flowers develop into red berries.
    In Neo-Druidism, the Mountain ash is known as the "portal tree" as it is considered the threshold between this world and the "other world".
    In a study from the 1980s, it was discovered that the Mountain ash grows in every fourth garden in Finland.

    Crowberry - Kråkbär - Variksenmarja

    The Crowberry (Empetrum nigrum), belongs to the family Ericaceae. The fruits are drupes, 4–6 mm (0.16–0.24 in) wide, usually black or purplish-black but occasionally red.

    Linnea Borealis( Twin flower)

    - Family: Honeysuckle Family – Caprifoliaceae
    - rowing form: Perennial dwarf shrub.
    - Height: 5–15 cm (2–6 in.). Length up to 1 m. Stem limp, creeping, branched, woody, rooting, glandular-haired. Forms loose, mat-like stands.
    - Flowering time: June–July.
    The scientific name of twin flower’s genus is a dedication to the man who developed the current classification system of plants and other organisms, Carl von Linné. Twin flower was the great botanist’s favourite plant. Many biology societies have been named in honour of Linné, and Finland’s (founded in 1896) is no exception. Additionally, many little Finnish girls are still named Linnea or Vanamo, the Finnish name for twin flower, each year.

    Ranunculus arcis L.​

    Smörblomma, Buttercup, Leinikki​

    Often between 20-70 cm tall​
    Glossy yellow flowers​
    Contains a chemical that can cause itchiness and vomiting


    Quick facts:
    Butterflies can't get enough of this. The German army used nettle fabric to make uniforms during World War I. You can also make nettle soup if you boil it.

    Wild strawberry

    The wild strawberry is very common in the northern part of the globe. It grows to 15-20 cm. The berries are white in the beginning, but when they are done, they are red. The berries taste sweet

    Maskros - Dandlion

    This yellow flower can be founded everywhere and classifies therefore as weed. The English name "Dandlion" is taken from the french word "dent de lion" because of the blades` shape.


    Blueberries are perennial flowering plants with blue or purple berries. Many people like blueberries and it is very useful. It is often used in smoothies and pies, for example.

    Vaccinium vitis-idaea

    The lingonberry grows on rice and the rice itself has leaves all year round. However, the lingonberry only blooms in the summer and if the flowers are pollinated, it becomes a berry in the autumn.​

    The lingonberry berries are red and sour. ​

    The berries are generally boiled and sugared before being eaten as jam, juice, or jelly. They can also be served raw, which means that they are crushed and mixed with sugar.​ My personal favorite is lingonberry jam with macaroni casserole.

    Chickweed Wintergreen

    - Height: 5–20 cm (2–8 in.)​
    - Flowering time: May–July​
    - It is common throughout the Nordic region all the way up to the Arctic Ocean​
    - Is especially common in young and broad-leaved forest heaths
    - It's a simpel, but beautilful flower!

    Spiked Speedwell

    Spiked speedwell grows quite commonly on the Åland Islands and quite rarely in the southernmost parts of Finland. It has travelled with people, perhaps already in the time of Vikings travelling the eastern sea route.

    Campanula rotundifolia

    The Campanula rotundifolia, or the harebell, is a wildflower, that grows in dry and open places. It grows 15-40cm tall.
    The best time to see the flower is from July to September, and it is most commonly found in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Finnish plants
  • 1. In national teams present 20 endemic or well-known plants from your region (via thinglink, ppt, ...) with a picture, the scientific interest and a folktale (if there is one)

    2. Choose a plant from the foreign region and explain why it represents you well.

    3. Create your profile on twinspace with this plant ;-)