• Evaluate the project...

    Thanks for cooperation :P

    It was an interesting and inspiring project. I am glad that despite the problems related to the pandemic, its goals have been achieved. It was extremely important for our students to be able to contact their peers from other countries. In this way, they improved their language and social skills.
    I hope this is our first but not the last project.

    Gülşah KARAKUŞ/Kapaklı Gazi İlkokulu/TURKEY

    Although it was our first project, we successfully carried out our activities with the support and closeness of my friends. I am very happy to be in this group. I thank all my friends.

    Snježana Kovačević, Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia

    This project was wery dinamic from the beggining and partners cooperated in it very much. All teachers and pupils involved in the project were wery motivated and they participated in great amount of activities despite the COVID situation. All participants gave their best which is very important for the project. Activities were well designed and we worked on them through all school year. Cooperation, communication and collaboration was great and we all achieved goals of the project. Thank you all for participating and hope to be our partners in future projects.

    Figen RAKİPOĞLU YILMAZ-Kavşut Şehit Kerem Beksiz P.School Sungurlu ÇORUM

    It was the first project I participated in eTwinning. I wanted to take part in this project, especially since there were participants from different countries. With the planning of our founders, the work progressed easily. I see that the Project Goals have been achieved. We have worked within the framework of cooperation, cooperation and tolerance. All of my students live in the village and they made international friends with this project. They were together with their peers. They met different countries. It was a different experience for us. Thank you on behalf of myself and my students.

    Jülide Nur BALKIR DÖNMEZ/Necip Fazıl Kısakürek İlkokulu/Türkiye

    This project was very useful for me and my students. Collaboration and communication between teachers has progressed very strongly. I think good works have emerged and I am very happy to be a part of the project. I hope we will have the opportunity to work together again on new projects. Thank you to all project partners.


    In this project, my students and I learned to use web 2.0 tools. Our students, who had the opportunity to improve their foreign languages ​​with our partners in different countries, learned about media literacy and safe internet use. All partners celebrate special days together and emphasize the unity of the countries of the world. Thanks to everyone who contributed..

    Gwen, France: My very first etwinning project !

    Thank you Snjezana for offering us this project, thank you Catherine for helping me discovering the tool... It was great for me and my students to interact with the partners, with a special online meeting with Jarek and his students and colleagues, it was fun ! Tomorrow with Croatia should be great too !
    Gwen, from France

    Diyarhan Murat YILMAZ -3/B Sınıfı-Mustafa Kemal İlkokulu-Sungurlu Çorum

    Hello, my dear project partners. We had a very nice and eventful year. My students were very happy to participate in this project. They were especially happy to meet our foreign partners. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the project. See you in other projects, goodbye.

    Osman KURT Mehmet Akif Primary School ZİLE- TOKAT/TURKEY

    It was our first project that we participated in eTwinning. We had a lot of fun working with partners from different cities and countries. Students had the opportunity to express themselves in terms of creating products together, working together and taking individual responsibility, and they did this with pleasure. I would like to thank our project partners for their help and support. Hope to see you in the next projects. GOODBYE...

    Ümit BALIK - Kozluk 15 Temmuz İlkokulu - Terme SAMSUN/TÜRKİYE

    It is the first project I participated in eTwinning. I wanted to participate in the project because there were participants from different countries. Despite the difficulties brought by the COVID 19 epidemic, we successfully completed the events. The events were well planned. We reached our goals. I am happy to be in this project. See you in other projects. Goodbye.

    Jasenka Kuljak, Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia

    I enjoyed reading the messages of these young people. From their comments, I can see that it was interesting for them as well. This is a nice way to share information about your countries. It is a pity that our time is limited because the students have freed themselves and have only just begun to write. Many nice greetings from Croatia and we hope for more such projects.

    Catherine, Collège La Malmaison, France

    This project has been very interesting for our students. They were able to communicate with other young people from different countries and to contribute to a common goal in each activity, using English in situations of real life communication. The live encounters that we were able to organize were most appreciated: it was great fun to be able to talk to the Polish students in a visioconference on their favourite readings and to have a livechat with Croatian partners on their countries, national customs, food, clothes, monuments and so on.
    Despite the difficult situation and remote learning for some parts of the year, which prevented us from carrying out some activities, we were able to carry the project to its end, which is a great achievement in itself. Thank you to all partners for this great cooperation and hope we'll meet again for future cooperation!

    Sevinç SAYGILI / Cumhuriyet Primary School / Malazgirt, MUŞ / TURKEY

    The 'eTwinning Kids With Lifelong Skills' project has been very beneficial for me and my students. There was a strong communication and cooperation between the project partners. We reached our goals. Very good work has come out. It increased my students' interest in learning foreign languages ​​and seeing foreign countries. I am very happy to be involved in the project. Thanks to all project partners.

    Ayşemin AVCI Borsa İstanbul P. School Tarsus,MERSİN/TURKEY

    Dear project partners, this project I participated in with my students was very nice. My students made new friends. It was a good opportunity for them to improve their foreign languages. They gained new information in each event. I am very pleased to work with you. I thank you all.

    Aysun Odabaşı Ibni Sina P.School Kapaklı/ Tekirdag

    When the general behavior of our students is evaluated; It is observed that the general objectives of our project have been achieved. Although the objectives of our project of distance education studies during the pandemic process seem to be a challenge at the beginning, on the contrary, the educational process with students from different cultures and activities has been more successful. Apart from their contribution to the academic success of our students, their psycho-social interactions have also created support for their professional work. made new contributions to our experiences. Starting with the "children's rights agreement", our children were provided with knowledge and skills on vital issues such as internet security and media literacy.


    This project has been really enriching not only for the students who have worked on it but also for the teachers who have been in it.
    Thank you for everything!