Let's talk about media literacy, fake news and disinformation which is annual eTwinning topic for 2021.
Fake news are news stories that are false.
Story itself is written with no verifiable facts, sources or quotes.
Sometimes these stories may be propaganda that is intentionally designed to mislead the reader.
In recent years, fake news stories are shared via social media because that way they are easily and quickly shared online and many people can read it.
1) Take a look how to spot fake news on this poster which was made by international librarian accociation IFLA:
Look at the grafic above. How can we spot fake news?
2) Let's do some detective work and explore:
- What is critical thinking?
- How can ve use our critical thinking to spot fake news?
-How can we develop our critical thinking?
-Which sites do you visit?
-Do you read news online?
-What was the „strangest“ news you read online?
-How can you recognize fake news?
-Can we believe everything we read on the Internet?
- What are the media?
- What does media literacy stands for?
-What qualities a medically literate person has?
-How can we protect pupil's privacy on social media?
- Do you have a policy about eSafety rules and using devices in school?
3) Use and create you own funny „fake“ news!
4) Worksheet about
Five essential media literacy questions for kids
is available in FILES and we can use it for this activity:)
5) Watch the video on the link: and see what are 5 essential media literacy questions for kids.
Croatian coordinator Snježana Kovačević participated in proffesional development workshop Critical digital Literacy with eTwinning from 26-28 May 2021