LTTA in Estonia

  • LTTA Timetable May 16-20, 2022

    The focus topic Waste Treatment & Sustainable Food was mainly discussed presenting PP introductions, results of the e-polls and vlogs.

    Every day we also experienced different ways of acting environmentally friendly in all the other project’s focus topics, taking part in bees, volunteering and workshops.

    In form of a climate challenge the participants experienced how to cook sustainably. In the evenings during the week at home students had to cook from best before, fair trade, local food or leftovers and create a home video.


     Artur, Jasmin

    Sandra, Wiktoria, Kasper S, Linda, Laura, Aleksandra

    Ranel, Viola, Jakob, Kevin-Julius

    Anna K, Aleksandra K 



    On the Opening Day we were exploring the concept of Bee as a local gathering for work. In mixed teams, students had to create videos of all BEES 1-5 during the week. Our first BEE was Crafting name badges in national colours from second hand clothes. In the afternoon, our students performed a guided tour “Sustainable Loksa” and our local students and teachers made donations to Loksa Re-Use centre.


    Let's Do It! 2022.pdf

    On Tuesday we attended lecture and group activities about Doughnut economics guided by Maris Pedaja from Estonian Green Movement. In the afternoon we offered the participants an opportunity to take part in an Estonian initiative called Let’s Do it, the BEE 2. Together with the city government we planted trees and sowed flowers on the city stadium.


    On Wednesday we did volunteering BEE 3 in Tallinn Food Bank packaging food - that otherwise would have been thrown away - for deprived people. We also learned about, how their specialists bring food from places where it is in surplus to places where there is a need. In the afternoon on Viru bog study trail we learned about species in danger, who need to be protected.


    On Thursday we learned about Rock art from lake Onega in the Prehistoric Art Center. Then Tõnu Talvi from Estonian Environmental Board introduced us Biodiversity and nature protection. At Sagadi Nature School we participated in a Treasure Hunt with different biodiversity tasks. Later in Oandu RMK students watched a film about Lahemaa Nature Park. Finally, there was BEE 4 where we helped to cover trees’ roots to protect them.


    On the last day we watched videos made during the week. On BEE 5 in national teams, we built birdhouses from recycled wood. All the participants could answer the Assessment poll. We also visited Tallinn Seaplane Harbour to learn about Life on the Baltic Sea.

    The guest students took part in the LTT activity and got an experience in an international teamwork with other motivated students from our school. They also spread their experience to their classmates during students’ gatherings in the evenings. We got a couple new participants on the last days of LTTA.

    As a result of our collective work gatherings every day for now there are many real essential objects or arrangements in our school and community as it is described above. Not to mention the attained know-how and personal experiences of every participant student, teacher, host family or other citizen ready to spread it to their companions.