February teleconference

  • In this teleconference, we are going to work  together.....

    1)Draw your book place:

    Each school has to draw his book place:

    Preschool of Nechorouda: library

    Kinder 3 Monte San Julian: park

    kinder 5 Monte San Julian: hospital

    Escuelas Pardilho: Fire station

    Orekastro: Police station


    2) Paralell experiment. We will follow the genial.ly instructions...

    Will be able to rescue our polar bear friend? Cross your fingers



  • GREAT MOMENTS: Photos, videos....

    Laura, Charo and Noemi from Monte San Julián 5 years old.

    Great job!!! our children enjoyed a lot.

    Raquel Rodriguez, Yolanda García, irati Torrecilla and Patricia Guzman from Monte san julian kinder 3A and B

    Ready to do the paralell experiment. They cheered up our dwarfs!!!

    Stathopoulou Amalia,6th Oreokastro Preschool

    It was great! My class greeted enthusiatically,and participated with joy in the experiment!

    Jardim de Infância de Pardilhó - Portugal

    Online collaborative experience

    Preschool of Neochorouda

    A video of our teleconference

    Preschool of Neochorouda

    Teleconference 11th February

    Raquel Rodriguez, Yolanda García, irati Torrecilla and Patricia Guzman from Monte san julian kinder 3A and B

    These are our great moments with all of you. It was an amazing paralell experiment!!

    Difficulties and solutions

    I can´t catch the ice: you should be patient and spread salt really slow over the ice. Other tip: as much bigger the ice is, the easiest it will be catched.