Welcome page

  • Welcome to our project. After a lot of thinking, we present you our project.... A STREAM (Science, Technology, Robotic, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) project, in which each school will present a thing that is very important for them... (for example, a museum, a sculpture, a painting, a climate change theme, a piece of its school, a history). 

    The story will be that a magicial cast a spell on the Amazing Kingdom and there are a lot of lost pieces.

    First we have to found the pieces online(jigsaw, ICT page or however you thing is best) .

    Our second task put them on the amazing kingdom map and move the robot in order to select the lost pieces..(there will be no wrong route).

    The third task is to try duplicate the lost piece in our classes with clay, building material, paper and drawing etc. 

     At the end, forth and last task is to engineer a maze and send the lost pieces back where they belong.


    Amazing kingdom on Biteable.