Osnovna skola Eugena Kumicica

  • Eugen Kumičić Primary School is located in Slatina. It has 469 students in lower and upper primary classes in the main school building. There are also 5 district/branch schools with students in lower primary classes. Currently there are 68 students in the disctrict schools altogether. There are 19 lower primary teachers and 30 upper primary teachers. There are also 4 teachers for students with special needs. We have a psychologyst, school counselor, speech therapist and 2 educational rehabilitators. 
    Students in our school learn English as the first foreign language and German as the second foreign language. 

    So far, we have taken part in a couple of projects co-funded by the European Union: Comenius project ''Friendship of Dances'', KA1 projects ''Kids from the Future'' and ''School without Borders''. Currently, our school participates is KA1 project ''School of Peace and Friendship'' and KA2 project ''Generative Application to Manage Education''. 

    In our school, we value diversity and we try hard to include students with different background and different learning abilities into regular classes. We also invest a lot into ICT equipment and the usage of ICT in teaching and learning process. We implement modern teaching methods. One of the reasons for participating in Erasmus+ projects is because we want to learn more about modern teaching and learning and we want to teach our students tolerance and acceptance of diversity.