Plan i sadržaj projekta MTR II./Join the project

  • About this project

    Educational systems today are inciting the usage of IKT but presentations of student's practical works are not really present.

    Educational methods that include activities such as working with different materials, usage of tools and equipment and machines for modeling, creating and using technical documentation are inciting and challenging both for children and adults.

    In this project teachers would create a place where they can exchange ideas, class materials and personal teaching examples in which the goals of educational work are met by the practical work.

    The project will enable a presentation of innovative and personal creations of students, in the area of a technical creativity, that were created during the school year both in classroom and outside of it.

    The participation in the project is easy: publish an example of a technical workshop done by you, technical documentation, an example of work, recommend solutions, share ideas and give students a space where they can study.

    Project plan:

    - Uključiti projektne partnere/Join the project koji u svojim školama provode aktivnosti iz nastave Tehničke kulture i izvan nastavnih tehničkih aktivnosti, pripremaju učenike za natjecanja u Tehničkoj kulturi, provode školske projekte iz STEM područja, izložbe i smotre i druge aktivnosti.

    - Predstavimo se/Introduce your school_team
    Aktivnost u kojoj će članovi (učenici i učitelji) predstaviti svoju školu, grad, aktivnosti koje u školi provode u području primjene tehnike i tehnologije u nastavnom i izvannastavnom radu, STEM područjima, te natjecanjima.

      - Naša Mala tehnička radionica/Our technical workshop
    Prostor u kojem će učenici i njihovi učitelji i učenici objavljivati rješenja zadataka, primjere iz praktičnog rada, video zapise, fotografije i preporuke.

    - Analiza, evaluacija i prikaz rezultata/Evaluation and dissemination
    prezentacija rada, povratne informacije, analiza rezultata.