
  • RESULTS - published all together by members: 

    History & Business - istraživanje - Skupno.pdf


    E-book - Bernardin Frankopan Grammar and Vocational School, Ogulin, Croatia:

  • What do you think about results?

    Sara Rendulić

    I would like to work privately. I want to create my own company and my own business.

    Renato Tonkovic, Ogulin Croatia question is very interesting because people are starting to realize that a lot of new jobs are going to be open in the future, because of new ways of work and technology.

    David Župan

    Which job do you like the most?
    Influencer, because that job is interesting and profitable.

    Helena Mudrić

    In the first quetion it was concluded that sverial females participated in the survey

    Nives Gračanin, Ogulin, Croatia

    15. Money is important for business!
    221 people think that money is important.
    I personally think it's important because it's base for everything.

    Ela Ćićak, Ogulin

    Why would you start your own business?
    A lot of people answered because of money. I think todays society only thinks about money but not about other things.

    Lorena Brozovic Ogulin Croatia

    6.a lot of people is interesed in vollontering to help other people so they can feel happy, and other dont have the time

    Erika Marija Kušić

    6. I am interested in volunteering

    Tomislav Marković

    To the eighth question more people answered that work hurts than those who don’t.

    Kristina Paušić

    8.Yes i'like business.

    Eugen Vlahinic, Ogulin

    What job would you like to do?
    The most of the people said that they would work in office and I think thats a great idea because Im learning a lot about that job in my school