Opis projekta/Project Description

  • Aktivnosti na projektu usmerene su na proslavu Dana matematike, 14. marta 2021. godine. Matematika je sastavni deo funkcionisanja čoveka i sveta oko njega, koji se vlada po matematičkim zakonitostima. Posmatraćemo matematiku kroz primenu (na primer, modeli ponašanja virusa COVID – 19, statistika tokom pandemije, vremenska prognoza, rešavanje transportnih problema i optimizacija komunikacionih sistema, ali i posmatranje matematike kroz kulturno nasleđe čovečanstva: muzika, umetnost). Kako je matematika neodvojivi deo i drugih nauka, aktivnosti ćemo posmatrati kroz STE(A)M prizmu.


    The activities on the project are focused on the celebration of the Day of Mathematics, March 14, 2021. Mathematics is an integral part of the functioning of man and the world around him, which is governed by mathematical laws. As the world faces the COVID-19 pandemic, mathematics provides its models and tools to help us understand, monitor, and control the spread of the virus. It is also used to create weather forecasts and prepare for natural disasters. It warns us of climate change and helps us to anticipate and mitigate its consequences.

    Mathematics is central to the efficient organization of societies for the benefit of all citizens. It optimizes transportation and communication networks and enables smart planning and management of health, economic, and social systems. Science and mathematics have a crucial role in steering decisions to promote peace and social justice.

    As a common language to the planet, mathematics is an essential part of humankind’s cultural heritage. It is present in arts, music, and games, for human enjoyment and well-being.

    Visit the Mathematics for a Better World website