2.1. Farm Animals and Pets

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    Here is the qr code of the Flipgrid Farm Animals and Pets board: 


    Here is the link: https://flipgrid.com/022cfe05


  • Dear friends, you can add your work process here.

    Szkoła Podstawowa im. Adama Wodziczki w Rogalinku, Katarzyna Orkiszewska

    My pupils were so happy. Their work is here.

    Marcella Fortino, I.C. Octavia Primary School

    Work in progress: pupils write and learn the description of the farm animals and pets.

    Pelin Esma CAYVARLI, Alparslan Primary School, Samsun/TURKEY

    My students created their puppets with their families at home. I recorded their videos at school. Here is our video collage

    Saint Sava Primary School, Kikinda, Serbia

    We created an online game with the photos of our pets.
    Hope you'll enjoy playing it =)