Webquest: The British Isles- QR code Treasure Hunt and More ......


    Welcome to our webquest   

    Description :This webquest will familiarize our students with the British Isles.Cultural, historical and geographical elements will be discovered and upon completion students will be ready to check knowledge acquired with the aid of QR codes.


    Before reading the Legends of the British Isles we have chosen for you it would be great to find out a few things about them.


    Your task is to use the websites presented here so as to write ten questions about the British Isles  for your partners to answer.Try to ask interesting questions whose answers are not obvious.


    • Browse through  the resources provided below and read carefully the information provided. In case you have some difficulty understanding any parts you  can use https://rewordify.com/  to get your text simplified. 

    • Then try to find questions which refer to all Isles and not just Great Britain that you are probably more familiar with.

    • This is an activity that you will do alone at home working either individually or in groups with your classmates. Don't forget that it is very important to learn how to learn.

    • After having found your questions upload them on the padlets below for your partners to read.

    • Then it's time for the QRcodes Treasure Hunt i.e, be ready to provide the answers to your questions in QRcodes and invite your partners to decode your texts. 

    • In order to make your QR codes you can use the following links: 


            http://www.qrstuff.com/ -  QR codes in different colours.

           In order to read the QR codes you can download on your mobiles the applications NeoReader or QR Code Reader. You can also use https://goo.gl/ZqLcrD for Google Chrome which helps you both create and decode QR codes.


    Here are some websites that you might find useful.











    Greek and Spanish students at work


    When you are ready you can upload your questions and answers on the padlet below: