Pre-Survey for Students

  • Pre-Survey for students Here is our Pre Survey for students.

    Presurvey for students was prepared by Nihal KÖROĞLU ÇEVİK-Uluslararası Pendik Kız Anadolu İHL

    PRESURVEY RESULTS Here is the link for the presentation of presurvey for students.


    The results of student pre-surveys were analysed by Meltem Akdeniz-Şaban Temuge Vocational and Technical High School.

    The Analysis of the student pre-survey results:

    We implemented a pre-survey about eTwinning and our project content to get an idea about our students’ thoughts and structure our project activities accordingly.

    In the light of pre-survey results, we can see that 58,3 % of the students participated in eTwinning projects before while 41,7 % will be joining an eTwinning project for the first time. That means that it should be among the aims of our project to motivate these newcomers to eTwinning to take part actively in the project activities. To achieve this, we can build student teams bringing experienced eTwinners and new eTwinners together. We can also assign experienced students as mentors for the new eTwinners. That will foster peer learning and motivate new eTwinners.

    According to the pre-survey results, 30,6 % of the students tells that they are good at WEB2.0 tools and can use different kinds of WEB2.0 tools. The most popularly used tools among our students can be listed as Kahoot, padlet, quizizz, canva, Google slides, Google docs, voki, chatter pix, Google forms.  To take advantage of the students’ knowledge about these tools, we can let them use these tools in the very first project activities, and then diversify the WEB2.0 tools for different activities. Considering the students’ answers, we can tell that the tools that the students are familiar with are generally individual learning tools, not collaborative tools. So, it is another very important point to include collaborative tools in project activities.

    69,4% of students tell that they are interested in foreign languages. As required by our project topic, we can say that this percentage is fine, but we should also find ways to motivate the students not interested in learning foreign languages (30,6%). To achieve this, we can structure project activities relevant to other topics. For example, we can build a connection between language learning and music, language learning or poetry, language learning and social life, etc.

    Another indication of the pre-survey results is that 65,5% of the students do activities to learn languages out of language lessons. This information proves that the student group has a good tendency to spend time in language learning activities. While the students are supposed to spend extra time on some project activities, it is important to engage students with project activities during the online or face-to-face language classes. For example, after the project teams prepare a project material, game, poster, etc., it is very important to use it for in-class activities. So, the students can get an opportunity to combine their out-of-lesson language learning activities and in-class activities.

    62,5% of the students state that they are interested in different cultures. This percentage seems good when considered that one of the main aims of our project is an exchange of cultures. To make more students interested in learning about other cultures, we should offer them interesting activity topics. We can let our students introduce their own culture first, and then they will be more open and motivated to learn about others. As it is not possible to think about languages and cultures differently, we should build intertwined culture and language activities.


  • Our students while answering the survey

    El Manar preparatory school Kairouan ,Tunisia Manel Boualia team

    Our students while answering the survey

    Nihal KÖROĞLU ÇEVİK- Uluslararası Pendik Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi
    Meltem Akdeniz- Şaban Temuge Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi

    Our students while answering the project pre-survey...

    Fatma Kul,50.Yıl Secondary School

    Our students while answering the survey

    Fatma Kul,50.Yıl Secondary School

    Our students while answering the survey

    Fatma Kul,50.Yıl Secondary School

    Our students while answering the survey

    Perihan Zeybek Handan Hayrettin Yelkikanat Vet school

    The students filled in the presurvey on the online lesson

    Perihan Zeybek Handan Hayrettin Yelkikanat Vet school

    My students answered the questions of our pre survey .

    leila sellami ..primary school elkarama bousalem/TUNISIA

    Pré _survey

    Fátima Taveira - Esdjgfa, Vila Nova de Gaia - Portugal

    Some of our students answering the pre-survey

    Sanduleni School Romania

    Sudents are completing the survey

    Sanduleni School Romania