• Animal models & animal shelters

    Frogs metamorphosis

    2nd experimental Primary school of Rodes, Greece

    Ana Lúcia Mouta, Escola Frei Manuel de Santa Inês, Portugal

    Animal models & animal shelters

    Ana Lúcia Mouta, Escola Frei Manuel de Santa Inês, Portugal

    Animal models & animal shelters

    Ana Lúcia Mouta, Escola Frei Manuel de Santa Inês, Portugal

    Construction of animal models and shelters

    Frogs metamorphosis

    3rd Primary school of Pyrgos

    Animal Expression

    3rd Primary school of Pyrgos

    Frog's metamorphosis

    In this project we examined our knowledge about the stages of a frog's life cycle, from birth to adulthood. Then we created and programmed a young and later an adult frog model and finally we documented the changing characteristics of the model during its life cycle. Some of us did a different model. All the phases of this PBL project: exploring, creating and sharing were documented through the self assesment rubric.
    For the majority of the class it was really easy to build the model following the algorithm, on the other side we could improve in robot programming and in the construction of different models.
    5 th grade Bannia

    A Glowing snail in my robot garden

    3rd Primary sch of Agios Nikolaos, GR

    Animal Month

    The Frog's Metamorphosis
    5th grade Bannia

    Poland Gniezno SP 6

    Tadpole and frog.

    Poland Gniezno SP 6


    Poland Gniezno SP 6

    animal expression

    Animal home builder - online game

    Agrupamento de Escolas Rainha Santa Isabel, Coimbra

    snail habitat

    3rd Primary school of Agios Nikolaos

    Animal Expression/ Animal Month

    In this open project the topic was a representation of an animal communication method in the animal kingdom. We build, program and modify our model, creating a funny bird who can ... wobble!
    5th grade of Bannia!

    Animal Kingdom

    Can animal communicate through movements? Look at these models...
    5th grade of Bannia

    A Crocodile in our Robot Garden!!

    3rd Primary - Agios Nikolaos

    Group School Rainha Santa Isabel - Coimbra - Portugal

    17 April
    We've only just got back to school... we just did the snail

    Elisabete Pinto -Group School Rainha Santa Isabel, Portugal

    This week we welcomed the lego robots and got to create, assemble and program with lots of fun and learning.
    We have been building the snail.