4. Use of the Internet safely and wisely

  •                              It is important to make proper use of the internet

    Respect other people's material. Copyright/copyright is called materials created by other people that are not permitted to spread or use them.

    We can choose photos or other free graphic resources from the following websites:

    FlickrCC. Banco de imágenes del CNICE. Mediateca de EducaMadrid.
    Open Clip Art Gallery. Openphoto. Free Digital Photos.
    Pixabay Pexels Stockpic
    Freepik The noun project Thinglink


  • Each class will propose two netiquette rules for the project.

    IES Iturrama

    Do not distribute personal information of your own or of others. Respect for the privacy of others. Furthermore, spreading photos and information of others without permission is a crime.

    Respect and good education for everyone. Treat the people you communicate with respect and good manners, as what you write can be used against you. Treat others as we would like to be treated.


    The term netiquette is used to refer to the set of rules of general behavior on the Internet. Netiquette is nothing more than an adaptation of the rules of etiquette from the real to the virtual world.

    How to safely use the internet

    We must always rembember to be kind while surfing on the internet, respect others as you respect yourself. Respect peoples differences no matter their physical apperance, age or enthnic group. Not forgetting to always log out of a website when finish.

    IIS Santorre di Santarosa

    Do not post personal information and sensitive data of your own or other users
    Do not post photos that might embarrass another user
    Do not offend others


    Avoid recognisable photos of pupils in Twinspace or profiles.
    Impersonating other people, groups or organizations that you do not represent with the intention of confusing, misleading, dedeiving or misleading is a crime

    Georgia, Cadets Military Lyceum

    1. Use Proper Language for Communication with the other members of the project
    2. Be kind, polite and helpful to the other members of the project