
  • After finishing physical arrangements we improved workshops regarding our theme for our guests . 
    1.    Shave Balloons: Barbers used to choose their apprentices with the test of shaving balloons. We competed to shave the balloon to get ready for the workshops and enjoy the topic
    2.    Make Lip Balms and soaps  : We learnt to make lip balms and soaps with some natural substances and methods. They were both put into the museum and given as a gift to their doers 
    3.    Simulate Pictures : We tried to draw some moustaches and beards according to the different periods and commented on them historically and politically. It was the real art. 
    4.    What did a barber tell another Barber ? : We practised tonsorial riddles which was a big fun ( Have you ever tried repeating a riddle in a different language ? You should ! )

    We completely comprehended that museum sources can be used to promote our Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths skills thorough those workshops.