Changes in our lives

  • 1. Watch this video abourt COVID-19 and answer the questions on the video.


    As you could see in the video, it is very important and necessary to follow SAFETY MEASURES TO STOP CORONAVIRUS


    What can we do and what can't we do?

    Each member of the team writes 1 sentence in 1 column. Write your name



    Then, add an item below according to the topic of your team: image + text


    TEAM 1


    TEAM 2


    TEAM 3

    Relationships and friends

    TEAM 4


    TEAM 5


    TEAM 6


    TEAM 7


    TEAM 8


    TEAM 10


    TEAM 9


    EXAMPLE ( TEAM ... ) , Fina

    Planes cannot fly during COVID-19 stages 0,1 and 2.
    This fact has reduced pollution a lot.
    We should try to find a solution now! planes cannot keep polluting our atmosphere so much! Maybe reducing the number of flights? or not using fuel and using renewable energies?

    (TEAM 4), Josep M

    Schools and learning:
    Due to the COVID-19 we have had to change our way of studying, we have to study from home with the computer the duties that our teachers put on us and our doubts consult them by mail because we cannot have contact.

    (Team 10) Mireia

    Playing time and games: Durin this quarantine we had more time to be with our family, especialy when we could not go out, for this reason one of the things we do is play games with my family.

    (Team 2) Pep

    hygiene is something we have to be very careful during this confinement, to avoid the virus and not get infected.
    it is something that both with the virus and if not, we must have. But right now especially


    in this quarantine it has not been possible to do sports, only if you did it at home but at home it costs a lot because it is not very big and at leisure you have not been able to do many things only the most important and necessary ones or it can also be done from home .

    (TEAM 7) POL L

    Is important that during lockdown we follow a routine: get up, have breakfast, go to school, in this case virtual school, have lunch...
    so we keep our habits.
    We can't forget the hygiene routines, very important now to avoid catch the coronavirus.

    (team 6) Jana Claret

    Now that we have been at home for a few months closed, we have been using a lot of technology because when you no longer knew what to do or with whom to share time, we switched to the solution of going to netflix, youtbe, ...

    TEAM 1 sports and leisure {Manel}

    During confinement, sport and leisure are difficult and limited.
    With the boundary you can start doing sports as well
    the field of leisure is expanding as more shops and workspaces open


    as there is the covid 19 we have to stay home and we have to do the homework online and do classroms online the kids but that doesn’t mean we learn less!!!

    (team 9) Maria. work

    Now that we have the covid-19, most people work from home, for example, an entrepreneur or many other things, and there are other people who have to go to work, for example, doctors, truckers, bars, restaurants and those who work. In the supermarkets.

    (TEAM 8) Abril P

    With the covid-19 people have not been able to travel
    but, there have been people who are still in trouble but with the rules. They also had to cancel many flights but people were traveling to work or those who needed it.

    (TEAM 1),AINA

    Sports and lisure:
    We can started doing sport in 2 of May but with a limits, that is why they left apps to know how far you could go.A lot of people went to do sport: Bicicle,run,walking this are sports that were made more.

    ( team 4 ) Carlota M.

    The lookdown change the way of study, now we study by internet. Before we study with books and papers. This change it's good, or bad for us???

    TEAM 7 (Roger B. 6è)

    During the quarentine we must to continue our daily routines to keep our mind and body healthy: sleep 8 hours, take a shower, brush our teeth, make the bed, do virtual class and homework, do exercici and not eat to much.

    Hygiene (Blai team 2)

    The hygiene is super important because when you go out home with the mask, you touch some things that other people also touch, when you arrive home you have to wash your hands.

    Roger T

    we can not stay with friends face to face, domes we can online with video conferencing this is the same with school or family happens with everyone who is not at home.

    (TEAM 8) Queralt

    many people have not been able to travel because of covid-19, there were many people who had prepared a trip and had to cancel or save it for another year

    (Team 2) Eric 5è

    The hygiene are changed, we must be responsaible and wear mask and plastic gloves in the supermarket,street.....etc. Now is obligatory wear mask in the street because now you can stay with family and friends.
    Is very important keep the hygiene to no infectet to Covid-19.

    (TEAM 10)

    Playing time and games:
    These days I've had so much fun playing around the house! I think playing is one of the ways to hang out with family and be with them. So after my opinion I hope people spend more time playing either online with friends, or as I do with family!

    (TEAM 1) Carla Closa

    This quarantine we can not go to exercise in gyms but that does not mean we can not do it at home, quite the opposite, but the space is smaller, and we can go to exercise outside, we can go running, cycling, to walk.....

    Toni (team 2) hygiene

    Now the hygiene is most important that do not infect for Covid-19.
    Clean your hands, don't touch your eyes, the mouth and the nose.
    We use gloves and mask when go to street and the supermarket.

    (Team 4) Laura

    Now, we have to do online lessons because we can't go to school. I think this is more dificult for us.