Summary and goals

  • S.E.L.F

    (Sharing education and learning with families. A challenge for XXI century schools)

    With this project, we hope to improve the quality of our educational models by altering them to be more interactive and better organized. We hope to give out responsibilities and tasks among the entire educational community—teachers, parents, and students—in order to achieve our school’s goals.

    We believe that EDUCATING SHOULDN'T BE EXCLUSIVE to educational institutions. It is POSSIBLE TO LEARN IN ANY PLACE within society. In order to do so, connection and cooperation between families, schools, and communities must exist, and we are aware of the educational interactions and experiences that can occur through such collaboration.

    We understand that learning, in fact, can take place in any environment—formal or informal—and that schools today should favor a new educational model that is open and shared where creativity, openness, and innovation are key factors.

    Learning that occurs in informal settings grows every day. As educators, we have no choice but to begin considering the benefits of constructing a curriculum whose development includes all possible educational spheres and all involved agents, especially families.

    In order to involve them in school dynamics, we want our school to recognize families as major strategic agents in the process of teaching and learning as well as in the development our students’ individual competencies and abilities from the time of early childhood education. This continues to be one of the main challenges of the preschools in this this partnership and therefore, is the main reason for pursing this project.

    The development of this project should expect a methodology that transforms our FAMILIES into active, flexible and global EDUCATIONAL AGENTS with an integral and participatory vision. This methodology would promote familial initiative in schools and would motivate—even rely—on families to participate in their children’s schooling in order to more INTEGRALLY EDUCATE BOYS AND GIRLS. Schools and families alike should agree on the importance of forming ethical and caring behavior in young children and that these behaviors should be considered crucial to becoming reflective and critical citizens who are able to live in a global society by respecting themselves and respecting those who surround them.

    As TEACHERS involved in this project, we are aware that we must adapt to a changing world that not only affects us as educators, but also our students and their families. We firmly believe that schools should offer the necessary resources so that boys and girls can adapt to an open European society and to this constantly changing world that demands LIFE-LONG LEARNING, and even UNLEARNING. An intimate FAMILYSCHOOL collaboration is undoubtedly required to achieve this when taking into account the all of the resources within the different social, educational, and cultural contexts.

    In summary, with this project we hope to introduce CHANGES in distinct EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS within our schools as well as generate NEW METHODOLOGICAL CHALLENGES and educational opportunities. Families, schools, and society can work hard for the benefit of improving the EDUCATIONAL QUALITY of our schools, while having ESSENTIAL support resources from information and communication TECHNOLOGIES.

    To further specify, our main OBJECTIVES to be achieved along this project would be to:

    • Encourage the role of families as active, educational agents within our European educational institutions, in the integral education of their children, and in the development of different curricula.
    • Improve the cooperation and relationship between families and every participating institution.
    • Facilitate communicative and cooperative ties between the families of the institutions that participate in the project.
    • Incorporate efficient channels of communication and the use of technological resources and social networks among all of the sectors within the different schools implied in this project.
    • Inspire action of joint training in educational institutions in order to improve educators’ and families’ skills as prime educational agents.
    • Establish relationships from schools with our environment and surroundings, transforming ourselves into active agents of social, cultural, and educational change.
    • Plan dynamic, playfull, formative, and cultural meetings both in and out of the partner schools in order to raise the cultural level of said educational communities.
    • Increase and diversify informative channels of each school with their families.
    • Design the use of new information and communication tools, thinking about a proper and safe use.
    • Distinguish ourselves as European educational institutions that value their centers’ projects by understanding that children’s education is a shared responsibility between families, professionals, and environments with the purpose of raising the quality of the learning process.