Tasks from the textbook

  • Սիրելի աշակերտներ,

    Կատարեք հանձնարարված առաջադրանքները, լուսանկարներն ու տեսանյութերը տեղադրեք էջի ներքևում padlet-ի վրա։ 

    WEEK 9.

    1.Read the text HEALTHY EATING HABITS on page 139 and aswer the questions.

    2.  Read the information about the use of Infinitive or -ing form  on page 142 and do exercises 5-7 on page 143.

    3. Check up 3 - do exercises 1-7 on pages 144 -146.


    WEEK 8.

    1. Read the information on page 135, revise the Unreal condition (Conditional 2)  and do online exercises to practice them. Go to page Grammar practice: Conditionals

    2. Do exercises 7-9 on page 135-136.

    3. Read the text London shops and markets on page 136 and aswer the question  What are the best places to go shopping in Armenia?

    4. Do exercises 1-4 on page 142.


    WEEK 7.

    1. Read the texts School problems on page 126 and Should School be Wired to
    the Internet? 
    on page 128 answer the questions. You may answer the questions in the Forum. Here is the Link

        1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of

              a. mobile-phones?

              b. school uniforms?

        2. How do you prefer to get information?

        3. Which of the opinions do you agree with about computers?

    2. Revise the Non Finite Forms of the Verb and do online exercises to practice them. Grammar practice: Gerund

    3. Read the explanation about when to use The -ing form (Gerund) on page 134 and do exercises 2,3,4 on page 135.


    WEEK 6.

    1. Go to the page Grammar practice: Reported Speech to revise the rules and do the online exercises to practice Reported Speech

    2. Do exercises 7,8,10 on page 122.

    3. Read the text Talk show: High stressors on page 123 and answer the questions.


    WEEK 5. 

    1. Do exercise 2 on page 119.

    2. Read the explanation about when to use the Infinitive with or without to and do exercises 1,2 on page 121.

    3. Do exercises 3, 6 on page 121.

    WEEK 4. 

    1. Read the text A full-time shoulder to cry on? on page 114 and answer the questions.

    2.Work on words - p.115, do exercises 1-3 on page 115 and 116. Add words related to friendship to the brainstorming board.(Մտագրոհ)

    3.Write a short essay about what you think of true friendship. The ideas in the mind-map will help you.


    WEEK 3. 

    1. Dear students, do the exercises 6, 7 on page 113 and add the photos of your work to the padlet below.

    2. Do the online exercise to practise verb tenses and add the screenshots to the padlet below.

    3.Do the online exercise to practise conditionals and add the screenshots to the padlet below.

    WEEK 2.

    1. Dear students, do the exercises 4,5 on page 112 and add the photos of your work to the padlet below.

    2. Read the text about the Great Wall of China on p. 111 and answer the questions orally (բանավոր). Add your answers to the padlet below. 


    3. Answer the questions on page 110. To do it go to the Forum section. The link is given below.


    WEEK 1.

    1. Read the text You and Grown Ups and answer the questions orally (բանավոր). Add your answers to the padlet below. 

    2. Dear students, do the exercises 1,2 on page 108 and add the photos of your work to the padlet below.

    3. Read the text Vincent and Theo and answer the questions.