Reading and listening materials

  • WEEK 1.

    You and Grown Ups

         People always talk about the problem of youth. If there is such a problem, which I
    doubt, I think it is older people who create it, not the young themselves.
    There is only one difference between an old man and a young one. The young man
    has a brilliant future before him and the old man has a splendid past behind him and
    maybe that is where the problem is.
       When I was a teenager I felt that I was just young and uncertain, that I was a new
    boy in a big school. I was glad to know I was a problem to somebody because then I was paid more attention to, and that is one of the things young people like.
    I fi nd young people interesting. A young person may be self-confi dent, sometimes
    tactless or selfi sh, ill-mannered or touchy, buy they do not live yet for money or comfort and they are free. They have no devotion to material things.
        I never talk to them about respect for elders: age is not a reason for respect. And I
    will speak with them as equals if I think they are wrong.

    1. What are the differences between old men and young men?
    2. Name three features in young people which the author likes.
    3. What are the negative features in young people mentioned in the text? Are they really negative?


    Add your answers to the board below with your names instead of the Titles.


    WEEK 2

    Read the text and answer the questions choosing the best answer. You should do this exercise orally (բանավոր) and add your answer to the padlet.

    In the country of China, there is a wall that is 1, 500 miles long. It is called the Great Wall of China. It winds uphill and down, through valleys and mountains. Every inch of this 1, 500-mile wall was made by hand.
    The Great Wall of China was made many, many years ago. The people of China made it to keep out the enemies. There are watch towers all along the way. The wall is made of bricks and earth. It is high and wide on top. People can walk along the top as if it were a road. It is said that it took ten years to build one part of this road. No other defence line has ever been made as long as the Great Wall of China.

    1. According to the text

    a. part of the Great Wall of China was made by hand
    b. big machines helped build the Great Wall of China
    c. the Great Wall of China was built to keep enemies away
    d. the Great Wall was build without instruments

    2. We may conclude that
    a. people probably kept guard on the Great Wall
    b. the Great Wall was built to be a road for carts
    c. the Great Wall was built in ten years
    d. the Great Wall of China is made of wood

    3. Which word is NOT synonymous to defence?
    a. safeguard b. dependence c. resistance d. protection

    4. The pronoun it in Line 5 is used instead of the word

    a. country b. the Great Wall of China c. earth d. people

    5. The story as a whole is about
    a. the longest defence line in the world
    b. the highest wall in the world
    c. the people of China
    d. the roads in China a. country b. the Great Wall of China c. earth d. people

  • The students' answers

    Seda Nikoyan

    1.The young men has a brilliant future before him,old man has splendid past behind him.
    2.They are free,dont live yet for maney and comfort,they have no devotion to material things.
    3.Young people sometimes are tactless,selfish,ill-mannered or touchly.No,they are not.

    Milena Vanesyan

    1.There is only one difference between an old man and young one.The young man has a brilliant future before him,and the old man has a splendid past behind him and maybe that is where the problem is.
    2.They do not live yet for money or comfort .They are free.They have no devotion to material things.
    3.A young person may be self-confident,sometimes tactless or selfish,ill-mannered or touchy.

    Mesrop Gasparyan

    1. Young men have a brilliant future before them and old men have a splendid past behind them.
    2. The author likes young people because they are free, they aren't overrun by a lust for money and they have no devotion to material things.
    3. The author critiques young people by mentioning their boosted confidence, tactlessness, ill-manners and touchiness also shedding a light on the positive attributes mentioned in point 2.

    Arayik Hasratyan

    1.There is only one difference between an old man and a young one. The young man
    has a brilliant future before him and the old man has a splendid past behind him and
    maybe that is where the problem is.
    2.A young person may be self-confi dent, sometimes
    tactless or selfi sh, ill-mannered or touchy, buy they do not live yet for money or comfort
    and they are free. They have no devotion to material things.
    3 A young people sometimes are selfish and tactless,I think they aren't negative

    Sona Gharibyan

    1.There is only one difference between an old man and a young one. The young man
    has a brilliant future before him and the old man has a splendid past behind him and
    maybe that is where the problem is.
    2.A young person is selfish, comfort
    and free.
    3.They are negative sometimes. In the text mentoined, that young people i may be self-confi dent,
    tactless or selfish, ill-mannered or touchy.

    Milena Galstyan

    1. The difference between old men and young men is that young men think their future is brilliant. The old men have splendid past.
    2.The young man may be self-confident, tactless, touchy.
    3.The bad features are selfish, ill-mannered, tactless. I think for example self-confident isn't negative. This age is very difficult part in life. My point of view this features are normal.

    Milena Zakharyan

    1. There is only one difference between an old man and a young one. The young man has a brilliant future before him and the old man has a splendid past behind him.
    2. Three features in young people which the author likes are: they don't live yet for money or comfort, they are free and they have no devotion to material things.
    3. A young person may be self-confident, selfish, ill-mannered or touchy. Sometimes these features are negative sometimes not.

    Elen Grigoryan

    1. The young man has a brilliant future before him and the old man has a splendid past. ))
    2.they do not live yet for money or comfort
    and they are free. They have no devotion to material things.
    3.In my opinion beside of self-confident, they all are negative features. All of us have to be a little bit self-confident.

    Suzanna Harutunyan

    1)The young man has a brilliant future before him and the old man has a splendid past behind him and maybe that is where the problem is.
    2) The author likes young people beacause they are free and they have enough time to create their future.
    3) Sometimes teenagers are negative. But they can be self-confident, touchy and they have no devotion to material things.

    Greta Zaqevosyan

    1.The young men has a brilliant future before him,old man has splendid past behind him.
    2.They are free,dont live yet for maney and comfort,they have no devotion to material things.
    3.Young people sometimes are tactless,selfish,ill-mannered or touchly.No,they are not.

    Narek Harutyunyan

    1.There is one difference between an old man and a young one.The young people have a perfect future before them,the old people have a splendid past behind them.
    2.I think the features in young people that author likes more are self-confident,not living for money and being free.
    3.According this text young people are usually selfish, ill-mannered and touchy.Yes they are.I think it is not good to be selfish,touchy and of course ill-mannered.

    Lilit Mkhitaryan

    1.The young men has a brilliant future before him,old man has splendid past behind him
    2.A young person is selfish, comfort
    and free.
    3.A young people sometimes are selfish and tactless,I think they aren't negative

    Lia Mkrtumyan

    1.The young men has a brilliant future before him,old man has splendid past behind him.
    2.They are free,dont live yet for money and comfort,they have no devotion to material things.
    3.Young people sometimes are tactless,selfish,ill-mannered or touchly.I think they aren’t negative.

    Saro Hovakimyan

    1.The young men has a brilliant future before him,old man has splendid past behind him.
    2.A young person may be self-confi dent, sometimes
    tactless or selfi shill-mannered or touchy, buy they do not live yet for money or comfort and they are free.
    3.The bad features are selfish, ill-mannered, tactless.Yes they are.

    Narek Harutyunyan

    4.b(the Great Wall of China)

    Saro Hovakimyan


    Emma Adamyan

    1.The young men has a brilliant future before him,old man has splendid past behind him.
    2.They are free,dont live yet for maney and comfort,they have no devotion to material things.
    3.Young people sometimes are tactless,selfish,ill-mannered or touchly.No they are not.