
  • First official videoconference between the coordinators after the project starting date.

    Ever since the results of the 2020 call have been published the coordinators were in contact - exchanging information, but this was the first official meeting after the 1st September 2020 when the project officially began.

    The partners talked about the Covid19 pandemic and its implications on the project implementation.

    The coordinators reviewed the project timetable and set out the priorities and tasks for the next month. It was decided that the first important task for the students would be the creation of the project logo - implemented through separate competitions held in each partner Institution. It was also decided that (if possible) the online meetings would take place on Thursdays.

    The conference was arranged by the Project Coordinator from Romania, Mr Benone Siriu Dumitru and was attended by the Portuguese Coordinator Ms Célia Barbosa, the Turkish Coordinator Ms Filiz Ekenler, and the Polish Coordinator Mr Michał Nowak.

    The Bulgarian coordinator was not present during the videoconference.