Spanish school- IES SANTA LUCIA

  • Students who participated in the Italian experience in Viterbo presented their experience to the different Head of Departments of the school. Brave girls!


    Presentacion Erasmus Viterbo.pdf


    Students and teachers that will have the Italian experience introduce themselves to the rest of the school. 

    Parents meeting to give them the information about the mobility to Viterbo. 

    Information presented to parents before the Viterbo's mobility

    Erasmus activities Italia (1) (4).pdf

    Nos vamos a Italia !.pdf

    Parents' meeting to inform them about our mobility to Latvia . 

    Teachers and students were ready to go to Latvia...but unfortunatelly, this mobility had to be cancelled because of the pandemic situation.

    Getting to know the countries that participate in the project.

    Activities celebrated in school to disseminate the content of the project among students. 


    The Spanish coordinator participated the 4th November 2021 in the "II Meeting of Schools and entities which promote inclusive education and the empowerment of students with disabilities" promoted ny COCEMFE, a NGO who mainly works with students with disabilities. The coordinator presented our project, A Safe Sporty Inclusion for Special Teens (ASSIST) and talked abou the importance of inclusion in every day school life.  It was an online meeting and it lasted for two hours.