Some Traditional Turkish Games

  • Name of the Game: Tikidak


    Number of Participants: 3-10


    Equipment Needed: A small ball that is put in the middle of a circle drawn on the ground.


    Short Description of the Game: You all must have played hide and seek. Tikidak is a sort of hide and seek. However, there are some differences. In this game, players first designate the “it”, whom they conceal themselves. “It” is designated as follows: one of the players extends his hands towards the other players, opening his/her fingers. Each player chooses a finger. The player extending his/her hand chooses a finger as well. Then, a child outside the game is invited to hold one of the fingers. The player who chooses that finger becomes “it”.

    A small circle drawn in the middle of the game field and a ball is put into this circle. “It” stays near the ball. The players stay nearby as well. One of the players gets the ball and throws it away as far as he/she can. “It” should fetch the ball and put it in its place.

    The players hide until “it” fetches the ball. “It” then begins to search for the players. If s/he sees one of them, he immediately runs to the ball. Let’s say the name of the player “it” sees is Mary. “It” shouts as follows: ‘I saw Mary, I saw Mary, Tikidak, Tikidak, Tikidak!’ Then s/he touches the ball.

    By doing these he is meant to capture that player. If s/he cannot touch the ball in time, that player may reach the ball before him. In this case, the player may get the ball and throw it away. Thus, the player saves the other players that have been captured. In other words, they have the right to hide themselves again. If “it” captures all the players, the game ends.   


    Skills to be Trained: motor coordination, visual and motor coordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, developing a strategy, helping someone in need, taking risk, focusing and concentrating.






    Name of the Game: Hidden ‘It’


    Number of Participants: No Limit


    Equipment Needed: None


    Short Description of the Game: You should choose a ringleader first. You can do it by reciting a rhyme song. Then players form a circle facing each other. The ringleader begins to run around the circle. While doing this, he touches on the back of one of the players and keeps running. While running, he shouts “There is a hidden it!” whenever s/he wishes. When players hear this, they begin to run away. When they run away, the player who was touched by the ringleader conceals himself/herself. Since players do not know who the hidden ‘it’ is, they try to be away from one another. Then the ringleader shouts “The hidden it is among us!” and the player touched by him/her yells out “I am the hidden it!” Now players begin to run away from the hidden it. It tries to catch one of the players. The player who was captured leaves the game. It becomes the new ringleader for the next game, and the game goes on in this way. 


    Skills to be Trained: motor coordination, gross motor skills, developing a strategy, focusing and concentrating, agility, attention, getting focused.






    Name of the Game: Darabil


    Number of Participants: 4-10


    Equipment Needed: We need a place with two walls facing one another. There should be about ten steps between the walls. If it is not possible to find such walls, it is possible to draw lines on the ground using a chalk.


    Short Description of the Game: After players separate into two teams, the players stand near their wall. Two leaders are picked from both sides. Then lots are drawn to determine which team will begin the game. Leader from the team starting the game first points to any of his teammates. The player chosen goes to the other team’s side by hopping and touches one of the players from the other side. Then the toucher tries to return. The person touched must try to catch the toucher without leaving his place. If the toucher manages to return without being caught, the person s/he touched will be out of the game. However, merely touching the back of the player does not count, and the toucher will be out of the game in such a case. The next step is doing the same with a person chosen from the other team. Thus, the teams try to finish the other. The team without any players left will have lost the game.

    Being out: 1- if players walk or run instead of hopping, 2- if the players leave their places to catch a rival.


    Skills to be Trained: motor coordination, visual and motor coordination, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, developing a strategy, helping someone in need, taking risk, focusing and concentrating.