Alternative Games




    Divide or ask the participants to divide themselves into two teams. Place them far enough from each other so that you can make a „wall“ between them from a blanket and it's clear who´s turn it is.

    The aim is to guess the name of the one person behind the blanket as fast as possible. Once the blanket is lowered the one who tells the correct name of the opponent gets a new team member. The game ends when everyone is in the same side of the blanket though it's also possible to end it as a tie (recommended for very competitive or problemed groups).

    The trainer should encourage everyone to go behind the blanket at least once.



    blanket/sheet/tarp/curtain etc. big enough to hide the groups

    2 people holding the blanket



    Growing team spirit

    Getting to know the names


    Debrief and reflection

    Usually not needed, but if the group is very competitive or has low self-esteem it's important to emphasize in the end of the game that in the end everyone is in the winning team or end it when it's a tie.






    Find an empty, clean spot of pavement, perhaps on a driveway or local playground.

    Have your students help you write some words related to civic education words (e.g. citizen, democracy, leader, nation, flag, vote, volunteer, responsibility, work, etc.).

     Dunk the sponge in the pail of water, and take turns throwing the wet sponge at each word. See how long it takes to "melt" away the sight word.

    Once the word is completely gone, put your students' memory to the test and see if they can remember how that meltaway word was spelled, and what they mean. If they are not sure, pull out that chalk and those sponges again. Be prepared for hours of fun!



    • Sidewalk chalk
    • Pail of water
    • 6” damp sponges
    • Stopwatch
    • Several energetic students



    This outdoor activity uses chalk and a wet sponge to help reinforce recognition of common written words and bolster your students’ meaning comprehension abilities.



    Time: 15 – 30 minutes

    Number of Participants: 8 – 20 people

    Tools Needed: None

    Rules: Have everyone stand in a circle facing each other, shoulder to shoulder. Instruct everyone to put their right hand out and grab a random hand of someone across from them. Then, tell them to put their left hand out and grab another random hand from a different person across the circle. Within a set time limit, the group needs to untangle the knot of arms without releasing their hands. If the group is too large, make multiple smaller circles and have the separate groups compete.

    Objective: This game for team building relies heavily on good communication and teamwork. It also results in a lot of great stories for the water cooler chat in the workplace.