A2 - The Fish

  • Templates

    In this block of activities, we will create the first design of our fish. With the proposal that all students use the same template, we have created 11 different types of fish. They can select one of the ten proposals.

    After that, we will do a brainstorming for searching creative ideas, motivations or inputs. So, they will create a first sketch about the main idea of their project with their slogan and a template selected.

    This is the fishes templates. Each student will choose one of them for starting the artwork.

    *As a recommendation, to have a greater variety, it is recommended that the 10 fish are represented at least once per class.


    F1.pdf    F2.pdf    F3.pdf

    F4.pdf     F5.pdf

    F6.pdf     F7.pdf

    F8.pdf     F9.pdf   

