The expected results of the project #Fishes have been defined from the very beginning of the design phase of the project. The expected results address the desired knowledge, skills and behavior that learns should gain at the end of the project; in simple words, they reflect the desired learning outcomes.
Essentially, the expected results translate the project's objectives to particular knowledge, attitudes, skills, etc. and thus, they are specific and measurable. The goal, the objectives, and the expected results are directly related to the project's activities designed to help learners achieve the objectives.
Expected results project
To improve visual communication skills.
To exchange a project with students from European partner countries.
To explore and use art techniques, visual and design tools.
To learn the process about the creation of an artwork project (brainstorming, sketch, visual design, publishing, and speech).
To know and to understand the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the United Nations.
To focus and to work with the Sustainable Development Goal 16 'Peace, justice and strong institutions'.
To improve English language and communication skills.