Student videomeetings 2021-2022

  • Videomeeting 4, 11.1.2022

    Finnish students had prepared some questions and topics beforehand: Did you visit Naantali? How was the visit? How was your Christmas holiday if you had one? Do you have breaks during spring? How is the weather in your countries? Did you do any New Years resolutions?

    Apparently, Italians for example had a Christmas holiday that was approximately three weeks long and during the holiday in Czech Rebublic many baked with their families. Not everyone made New Year’s resolutions. Weather was cloudy and rainy in Italy for example. Those who didn´t visit Finland hoped to so in the future because of Finland´s nature for example. Those who did visit told that they had great time.

    After the topics above most groups also discussed on various other topics. One group has some small talk about family pets, activities on free time and about English language. Also, topics like school studies, sports, languages in general and plans for future were discussed among some groups. Many hoped speedy conclusion of the Covid-19 situation.