Finland - Sport days 2020-2021

  • First Sport day - Heart day on 27th of October


    Students made plans to combine first Sport day with heart theme (since the Heart Day was during Matriculation exams). Hence the first activity in our school was a combined sport day and Heart Day on 27 of September for all students in our school. First, students did a little Google Forms poll on healthy heart. Afterwards students were sent outside to nature for a little outing to breath fresh air and unwind a bit in the nature. During the outing students were instructed to find heart shapes from nature: rocks, leaves, moss and so on. Hearts could also be made. Students managed to find and make wonderful hearts during their outings (examples down below). Because of Corona, students partook the activity on turns: First years first, the second years and last the third years. Afterwards students voted the best Heart and winners got a little award.

    Pictures from the Sport + Heart Day:


    Second Sport day on 9th of February


    Students had a refreshing dance/calisthenics break from studying during one of the day`s classes:

    Eina and Lilli (above) showed some moves in the video for students in classes to follow.


    Also, during the ending classes students embarked on a hike on the frozen sea either with ice skates or by foot. This activity was organized together with our school´s Welfare team. Students had a chance to try ice skates meant specifically for long skate hikes on frozen sea or lakes.


    Frozen archiopelago next to our school:


    Third Sport day on 20th of May


    Third and this school year´s last Sport day was held on a sunny and warm day on May. By using orientation app called Seppo, students hiked through nature path around lake Luolala near our school.


    Capture from the Seppo app:

    As the students moved through the nature path, they solved small puzzled which opened when student group arrived on paticular spots. These puzzles were made by our school Erasmus student group.


    Pictures from the nature path:

    Day was succesfull: many students were thrilled to get out of the class for a while and move through nature on a beautifull sunny day. 


    Happy students and teacher after orientation hike:


    As solving puzzles brought points to student groups, the best groups got a little award: small ice cream bars.