A Day in the Life of a Teenage in Lockdown

  • We will assemble all writings collected from students blogs and from the posts below in a digital publication and will share it here.


  • A Day in the Life of a Teenage in Lockdown

    Bárbara Lopes (Year 8, Class D) , Sátão, Portugal

    My isolation on these holidays had both aspects, positive and negative.
    I will start with the negative aspects, although I have the privilege of having a home with a garden, I cannot go outside, because of my allergies, nor have direct contact with my grandparents whom I love so much. I can’t stay with my friends either which makes me sad.
    Now the positive side, I am spending full time with my parents and brothers , which is really good. We do several activities together, for example: we play, bake cakes and watch movies while eating popcorn.
    Personally, I chose to make a schedule for myself and I always have my routines, always set an alarm clock, always study for an hour, do physical exercise and then do these activities with my family. And that is part of my quarantine routine so far.

    Inês Lopes (Year 8, Class D), Sátão, Portugal

    Today I woke up early and went to have breakfast, as I do every morning. I ate and watched a little television. While waiting for lunch, I went to shower, then had lunch and, after eating, I went to exercise to stay active and listen to music. Later I studied a little.
    At night I had dinner and went to sleep to write a little for you.
    Thank you dear diary for being here to hear me.

    Catarina Ferreira, 8th A, Sátão, Portugal

    Being quarantined has been very annoying to me because the only thing I've done is watching TV. When school restarts, I'll still be at home in quarantine and I'll be homeschooled, which in fact isn't very good because video calls are a mess but if we don't speak to our teachers, it's very hard for them to explain to us what we're supposed to learn.
    As I'm in quarantine, I can't leave the house so I can't see my friends. It makes me sad because I miss them very much. Today, until now, I have made lunch, I've had tutoring and I've watched some YouTube videos to entertain myself. I'm all alone at home because my parents have to work.

    Nicole Camilo, Sátão, Portugal

    While in quarantine I try to keep my school time routine by studying and doing sports in the morning. I like watching movies with my family, playing the piano, reading books, cooking, playing ping pong and making calls with my friends. It has been a long time isolated from each other and we start to miss our friends but it is important to stay protected. It is shocking and scary to see that many people have died and are in serious conditions. So we have to stay at home.