
  • The birth of the Italian state dates back to 1861. From that year to today, the men and women of Italy have come a long way together hand in hand. The world famous Italian women that many of you will remember are:


    Science :


    Rita Levi Montalcini (born 1909 ; died 2012) : Neurobiology and Nobel Prize awarded

    Margherita Hack (born 1922 ; died 2013) : Astrophysics

    Elena Cattaneo (born 1962 ) : Pharmacologist and Senator for life



    Literature :


    Grazia Deledda (born 1871 ; died 1936) : Novelist and Nobel Prize awarded

    Oriana Fallaci (born 1929 ; died 2006) : Journalist

    Dacia Maraini (born 1936) : Novelist and Formentor Prize awarded



    Politic :


    Nilde Iotti (born 1920 ; died 1999) : Politician and President of the Chamber of Deputies

    Tina Anselmi (born 1927 ; died 2016) : Politician



    Show business :


    Sophia Loren (born 1934) : Actress

    Laura Pausini (born 1974) : Singer

    Monica Bellucci (born 1964) : Actress



    Sport :


    Federica Pellegrini (born 1988) : Swimmer

    Novella Calligaris (born 1954) : Swimmer


    Italian living women scientists

    Heirs of the great Italian Scientists of the past are today;

    Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, Francesca Colavita e Concetta Castilletti 

    Spallanzani researchers who isolated the corona virus

    Astronaut is the first Italian woman of ESA.

    Stamina cells Italian scientist

    General Director of CERN

    She invented the refrigerator that doesn't need electricity


    Coordinator of the IIT Micro-BioRobotics Center in Pontedera (Pisa)


    She coordinated the "octopus-inspired robotics" project that led to the first "soft robot". She is responsible for the "Plantoid project", for the development of the first robot inspired by plants in the world.