Project title: For Healthy Europe
Project number: 2020-1-CZ01-KA229-078143
Project lifecycle: September 2020 – August 2022
Partners: OA a VOŠ Příbram (Czech Republic)
Berufsbildende Schule Idar-Oberstein (Germany)
2nd Vocational Highschool of Heraklion (Greece)
IES Profesor Antonio Muro (Spain)
Project description:
For Healthy Europe is a project related to two main topics - healthy life style and environment. 2020 is the year of Climate Change and Environmental Challenges for European Commission and eTwinning as well as the year of the Olympic games. The context of this project commemorates the Latin proverb - "Mens sana in corpore sano". To achieve a healthy body, we need to be active, do sports, relax and avoid stress. To achieve a healthy mind, we need to heal our planet and make it clean for future generations. These are basic objectives of this project. Healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and the importance of active way of life is as important as being environmentally friendly, respecting the nature and being an active and tolerant EU Citizen. To achieve our objectives, we will implement various approaches and introduce nonformal and experimental pedagogical methods.
Project activities:
All project activities will be oriented at the bellow mentioned sub-topics:
1) Local environment and air pollution, traditional sports
2) Soil pollution and water pollution, non-traditional sports and dealing with stress
3) Saving energy and recycling, healthy diet
4) Climate change, health problems, regeneration and sleep