The impact of the project to our students

  • Spain

    Students learnt more about children's daily lives in other countries of Europe in a funny way.

    They learnt some traditions and festivities.

    They learnt the goals they had to reach in the academic year through the project (adjetives, names, places, colours...).

    They improved their English in different ways (the four skills): speaking (presentations and conversations in class), listening (listening to the audios and videos they, their classmates or children from other countries recorded), reading (reading what their partners had written and reading the twinspace with the news posted) and writing (writing their experiencies on cardboards, writing letters...)

    All the families were involved in the project (altough some students were waiting for their turn, but there was not more time).


    Students learnt more about Europe. They followed Bruce's adventures in Italy, Portugal,Spain and Poland. They found out about history,customs,traditions in Europe.

    Students improved their ICT skills.

    Students improved their English skills by writing Bruce's diary, presenting their works to the classmates and ect.

    Students made friends with students from other countries.

    Students understood the power of collaboration.



    Students learnt more about Europe. They followed Bruce's adventures in Poland, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain. 

    Students improved their ICT skills by using different tools.

    Students improved their English skills by writing Bruce's diary and presenting their works to the classmates. They were also encouraged to speak English in everyday situation.

    Students made friends with students from other countries through the excercise of active citizenship. Their families have been directly involved and partecipated with enthusiasm.

    Students, teachers and all the school staff have developed an education affectivity taking care of the little bear Bruce.



    Students learnt more about the geography of Europe. They followed Bruce's adventures in partner countries and compared everyday life of students in these countries. 

    They improved their language skills by writing the diary in English.

    They improved the ICT skills by making photos, collages, videos, presentations and so on.

    Children made friends with students from other countries, took part in videoconference, chated on Facebook, so they practised their English skills.

    They learnt about responsibility - had to take proper care of the bear.

    The whole families were involved in the project, students spent more time with their families thanks to Bruce.



    Students learnt more about the location os some countries in Europe. They followed Bruce's adventures in Poland, Lithuania, Spain, Italy and... in the Post Office. They found out about history,customs,traditions in Europe.

    The students understand that we need to deal with unexpected events to keep on going with a project.


    Students improved their ICT skills and to respect the material they need (they have used a digital camera from the teacher)

    Students improved their English skills by writing Bruce's diary, presenting their works to the classmates and trying to talk on the live events.

    Students have tryied to make new friends with students from other countries.

    They understood the power of collaboration.

    They also understand that being different is not a bad thing...

    Most of all, they understand that we must take care of each other!