The modern bridges of today

  • A video with some interesting facts about bridges around the world.

    3rd primary School -6th grade-Grevena

    Teacher: Rassiou Eleftheria

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    Some modern bridges in our region.-3rd Primary School-6th grade

    Teacher: Rassiou Eleftheria


    Modern bridges drawings and decoupage on wood,for our school walls.

    5th  & 6th grade.-3rd primary school 

    Teacher: Rassiou Eleftheria

    A padlet about some of the most unusual bridges in Europe.




    Pupils from 6th grade (3rd primary school- Grevena)searched the internet and came up with  some interesting facts about bridges around the world.

    Teacher: Rassiou Eleftheria

    The modern bridges of today



    23/2/2016 Paintings by modern bridges

    Today, Monday, February 22, 2016 and within the eTwinning program (e-twinning) «bridges connect", following our invitation, we visited our class (2nd Primary School Grevena) Mr. George Emmanouilidis Civil engineer, Deputy Director, Grevena Regional Office, Egnatia Road SA and showed too much detail the entire process needed to build today a bridge and all the techniques that were made by 15 bridges of Egnatia in Grevena, but all of Egnatia. The event was watched live by etwinning live and students from the 3rd Primary School of Grevena, Private Primary School DDMN (Hellenic Navy Logistic Command), Chania and the IA Primary School Paphos "Ag. Spiridon" of Cyprus, who submitted questions at the end, which They answered all of Mr. Emmanouilidi, and at the end all together sang the song "bridge building, dam break down." It was admittedly for all a lovely experience and let all the best impression. So we want to thank Mr. and public. Emmanouilidi and Egnatia SA who responded to our invitation, as well as students and teachers of partner schools for their participation in our event.


    Rio Antirio bridge