Mission statement

  • We strongly believe that one can be a true European citizen if they get to know their country's culture first. But one's country's culture is so vast and multi-layered that it is almost impossible to learn everything about it. That is why we think that by looking at the small picture we will see the big picture. If we study the history, art and social structure of our hometown or city, we will get to know more about our whole country's culture. We also think that a city is much more than the sum of her most popular and visited tourist attractions. There are hidden wonders, neighbourhoods, people's stories that are waiting to be discovered and shown to the world. In our ever-accelerating world, we miss these beauties surrounding us. We have to slow down and look around, talk to people who live in that neighbourhood, listen to their stories, study their lives and their predecessors' lives and share these stories. These are not groundbreaking stories but stories about the everyday lives of everyday people. But Europe, our common culture and history is the history of everyday people. Everyday people who are born, work, live, love, hate and die in seemingly uninsteresting parts of cities around the continent. Their stories must be heard, because their stories make up what we call European culture, European heritage. And we must share them with the world. Modern technology allows us to bring these people and their stories closer to our students and other people than ever before. In our project, we aim to explore 2 neighbourhoods in each participating city, which are not in the centre of attention touristically and shed light to the artistic, historical and social significance of these neighbourhoods. We would like to show our students that history, arts or social studies do not belong to the shadowy hallways of museums and research institutions but these are lively, exciting and accessible subjects. We also would like to reinforce their love towards their home city, showing them that there are many things and people to discover. With the project's activities, we would like to strenghten their local patriotic feelings. In our opinion, it is important to nurture these feelings in our children's minds because if they do not know where they live, what beauties and significance their city has, they will not respect the European culture and heritage either. During international mobilities, the students will study the aforementioned aspects of the chosen neighbourhoods with their fellow foreign students and this way, they can develop a sense of pride for their culture and city but also learn to respect and love each other's culture. We think that in today's Europe, there is nothing more important than tolerance and acceptance towards each other's culture. With the project's activities, we would like to bring communities closer together so that they can establish a long-lasting relationship with each other and shed light to their touristic opportunities, too.