Activity Plan of the Dance Project

  • Tutor





    Elisabeth-Saulius, Chrysanthi,


    Meeting and informing the students -Introduction

    In our first meeting we will be explaining  what the  e twinning is about,  discuss about  our project and  about the  cooperation among all  countries involved. 




    Teams and profile making 

    All students and administrators should make a profile on Twinspace  Platform in order to become members in order to  get to know each other and start a communication in the chat rooms.

    They should also make a group and a personal  file in  the Twinspace  Platform  




    Setting ,goals and sharing ideas about

    Suggested topic :"Tracing our roots through traditional folk dances”.


    1.  Brainstorming -deducing and   sharing ideas.

    2.  Students are divided into groups of common  interests to work upon.

     Main target of the meeting is that groups are formed and specific duties are shared.




    Visualizing Our Community, School and our Team

    Now, the groups should find/create  visual  material by taking photos, (or making videos) of their community, favorite spots, school  and  town .

     Each photo or video should be followed by explanatory notes /subtitles and short comments on them. 




    Traditional Christmas carols- traditional Christmas recipes

    A Christmas activity:  Each member country should  present traditional Christmas carols and maybe Christmas recipes of traditional sweets 




    Forming  the Logo of our team -our country ! 

    The group of each country should get  together and come up with their final official Logo (by using any technique such as  drawing or photo collage etc.)   related to each country, or each city's trademark.

    Last step is that  all four logos will be united in  one main picture connected with traditional dance!




     Creation of a video which will give the opportunity to partners to learn how to dance the traditional dances of each country member.

    In this step the  students of its country should create a video with the “dance of the month”

    This video will have three parts.

    First part should include a small introduction  about the dance (for example  history, the geographical place it is come from, if it is danced from men and women, how many steps does it have e.c.t)

    In the second part the dance should be taught   maybe by two students.

    In the third part a group of students should dance the chosen “dance of the month” with its music

    The target is its member  to present  three dances





    February dance





    March dance




    April Dance



    Creation of a platform

    Transferability of knowledge between partners about traditional dance using the twinspace platform. Exploring the views of students about the cultural heritage of each country.




    Presentation of traditional dances in the school community.

    Organizing a dance event in our school in order to present the traditional dances of  each country member to our school community
