Ramona´s students' work


    Climate Change

    What is Climate Change?

    problem for our future

    weather is changing  

    it’s getting warmer

    is a threat to creatures

    Climate moves


     Which impacts does Climate Change have? 

    The temperature is getting warmer

    dry periods

    the poles are melting

    water disappears

    There are more storms

    floodings in the valley

    many natural disasters happen: Earthquakes, Forest fires, …

    forest fires in the woods

    sea level rises

    forests are beginning to burn

    animals don´t have any wildlife 


    Why is the forest important for us? 

    They help us stabilize the climate

    They produce fresh, clean air

    The animals have a good home  

    They fight against floodings

    Many animals need the forest to survive 


    What impacts does Climate Change have on the forest? 

    forest fire

    No time to rest for the plants

    Not eating enough for animals

    the animals die

    There can be floodings

    The forest is unstable


    What can WE do to safe our planet? 

    We should build less factories since they waste so much C02 and that’s not good for our climate.

    Use less electronic gadgets.

    Walk to work(school) don’t drive.

    recycle Plastic

    Shop wisely, don’t buy so many things with plastic wraps

    Plant many trees, trees contain Oxygen and without Oxygen we can’t breath and when we can’t breath we will die.

    Use plastic bags many times not just only one time

    Don’t throw trash in the NATURE it’s not very good for us better recycle it.

    Use light bulbs that last for a long time.

    Save/Conserve Water.