Our Schools

  • Schools

    Pietroasa, Romania


    • Putaan koulu, Tornio - Finland


    • Lithuania





    The last OFOF meeting of the Portuguese team was … Guess where? 
    …In the forest of Serra da Lousã. We walked to the beautiful “Cascata do Candal” - village of Candal waterfall.
    We had a general review of all the activites and analyzed the accounts and different reports of the project.
    … And we were thinking about all of you… reminiscing about our nice memories!
    Our last key words from OFOF were: 
    Group work; Exchange; Companionship;
    The wealth that lies in cultural diversity; Other land; Sharing the same path;
    Deepening the role of school.

    Thank you all, teachers and students, of our partner schools from Finland; The Netherlands Lithuania; Portugal; Spain and Romania,

    … for all the learning and joy!!!
    Thank you European Union!!!