Nowadadays we love taking selfies, why not taking one with a tree we like?
We have taken some pictures of us and a tree and also we have used some mathematical tools to measure it!
This tree is called "Gitanilla" and it is in the Axarquia (Málaga), although it comes from South África. This tree measures 4 metres and its trunk measures 2 metres in diameter. Their branches form acute angles and we can also see parallel branches.
The mathematical relationship between the tree that meeting, my head and the shoulder is forming an equilateral triangle, that is, that the three sides of triangle are equal.
- My real life height (Ah) = 166 cm
- My height on this photo (Hf) = 3.5 cm
- The height of the tree on this photo (Tf) = 14 cm
- We need to know the real life height of the tree captured on this photo (X)
Operation (Option 1):
1). First of all we need to know the difference between the height of the tree and my height on this photo. Tf : Hf = 14 : 3.5 = 4 (Df)
2). Now we know that the tree on this photo is four times higher than me. So, we need to multiply my real life height by four. Ah * Df = 166 * 4 = 664 (X)
Operation (Option 2):
Hf Tf 3.5 14
1). ----- = ----- 2). ----- = ----- 3). 166 * 14 : 3.5 = X = 664
Ah X 166 X
Solution: The real life height of the tree captured on this photo (X) is 664 cm or 6.64 m.
In this photo you can see the propotions of the picture and in it you can see the 5 trunks of a palm tree