Collège de Morlaàs France

  • Hello again.It's Mrs.LAMBOUR.

    As you can see,I work in another secondary school this year.It's called Collège Lahourquie and it's located in the South West of France in Morlaàs and it's not far from Monein.If you click on the link below you'll be able to visit our school website.My students and I are working on an introduction of our middle school and we're going to post it on buddiesaroundtheworld website and share the videos on etwinning as well.                    The first link is our school website and the second one is the website dedicated to the project Buddies around the World

    Feel free to contact me to take part in the project.

    The idea is to get into contact with secondary schools all around the world and share presentations videos,photos to learn about the pupils and their school.