Activity - Experience

  • Κutlukent 80. Yıl İlkokulu-3/C-Turkey

    Kindergarten of Gomati Chalkidiki

    Learning about Caves


    Nature's awakening




    We observed the growing of the trees that we planted last year and our growing seeds hair...


    We lerned how to make some bread and we made some art designs with the mix of flour, salt and water


    Kindergarten of Gomati Chalkidiki - Greece
    What "Eco" means to you? Please write your ideas


    Kindergarten of Gomati Chalkidiki - Greece



    4nd grade of the 3th primary school of Rhodes




    Kindergarten of Gomati Chalkidiki - Greece




    We cleaned our school from rubbish

    When leaves are falling autumn is leaving and 5 little explorers are coming to our village...

    Let's make some honey...

    Experiments and games with water



    Observing Water Buffalos at Bafra in Turkey

    2nd grade of the 5th primary school of Rhodes, Greece

    1) Experience

    The students of Grade 2 of the 5th primary school of Rhodes visited the ship of Greenpeace "Rainbow Warrior ΙΙΙ" to learn about the problem of energy in our island (Rhodes). Operators guided the students on board and talked to them about the enormous environmental and economic costs of oil dependence and promoted energy conservation and renewable energy as a solution to the energy problem of the Aegean islands. Who knows, maybe some students of the grade 2 of the 5th primary school of Rhodes will become future activists.

    Information: Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace. It comprises of 28 independent national/regional offices in over 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia & the Pacific and Africa, as well as a co-ordinating body, Greenpeace International.


    2) Recycling

    The students of Grade 2 of the 5th primary school of Rhodes are collecting plastic lids from packages of water, soda, milk. juice etc, in order to recycle and exchange them with a rollstuhl. This way our students achieve a double objective: to maintain a clean environment and to help some of our fellow humans.


    3) Οrganic Products

    The students of Grade 2 of the 5th primary school of Rhodes planted lentils and arrange their daily field


    4) How to Recycle Newspaper

    5) Health Soil



    After 2 weeks: Garbage is not disappeared

    6) Water Cycle




    7) Traps of Air polution

    8)Colour changing flowers

    To keep flowers fresh, we put them in water, in a vase. The flowers drink the water and that keeps them looking nice, longer. Well, what would happen if you gave the flowers colored water to drink? 

    Materials Needed

    • Tap water
    • Cup or bottle
    • Food coloring
    • White flower

    How to?

    1. Fill a glass or bottle 3/4 full with tap water.
    2. Stir in a few drops of food coloring.
    3. Take a fresh flower, (white carnations or chrysanthemums work well) and clip the end off of the stem.
    4. Place the flower in the water.
    5. After a few hours, or overnight, the flower will begin to change to the color of the water.

    The flower drank the colored water and as the water traveled up the stem and into the petals, it carried the food coloring with it. As the food coloring reached the petals, they take on the color of the water.

    Colour changing flowers

    To keep flowers fresh, we put them in water, in a vase. The flowers drink the water and that keeps them looking nice, longer. Well, what would happen if you gave the flowers colored water to drink?
    - See more at:

    Colour changing flowers

    To keep flowers fresh, we put them in water, in a vase. The flowers drink the water and that keeps them looking nice, longer. Well, what would happen if you gave the flowers colored water to drink?
    - See more at:

    9) Planting

    10) Global waring


    11) Visit author classroom - Responsible environmental programs wwf:

    12) Visit compayoil:

    13) Visit classroom resources Mineral Engineering:

    14) Visit the classroom by members social synaitrismou "GAIA" (Soil):

    15) I use the bike, practice sports and protect the environment.


    16) Visit the floral exhibition Rhodes:



    4nd grade of the 3th primary school of Rhodes

    1.Planted and beautify my space

    With Recyclables students built pots and planted seeds
    With this action we  learned three

    1 We learned that objects do not need we can to



    2 We learn how a plant grows and from which parts of this composed

    3 We beautify a corner of our class


    2.Recycling paper and plastic lids

     we recycle paper and plastic caps in our class who collects  in boxes which we made from recyclable materials.

    We collect paper for construction while we gather the caps because we participate in activities organized by the Red Cross to purchase wheelchair.

    3.We make experiments

    We conducted the following experiment to better understand the water cycle.
         1 large clear glass container water
         1 small glass
         plastic film

    1.We placed in the center of the large glass container the small glass.

    2. We We threw water in a large glass container (to about 1/3) carefully so that the water not get into the small glass.
    3. We booked the large container with plastic wrap and we sealed it with sellotape.
    4. We placed it in a place where the sun sees it and we left for some time.
    5. We watched and we discussed how the water was found in the small glass.

    The large clear glass jar represents the Earth.
    The water represents the seas.
    The small glass, the mainland.
    The plastic film represents the atmosphere.
    The drops that fall, represent rain.


    4.We make three dimensional  the water cycle

    4. planting garden in the courtyard of our school

    We wanted to beautify our yard we planted various flowers which  we adopted and we take care of them.

    5.We visit Photovoltaic park
    We learn about renewable energy and go to photovoltaic park to learn how it works and what it offers to the environment.