• We created two STEM Projects with GiGo Microbit

    1) a machine that measures the humidity of soil and waters plants only if they need, so we can SAVE WATER



    2) a GAME MACHINE that asks you questions about the enviroment and reacts according to your answers.

    (photos and videos are coming soon)


    Gülsüm URLU/Antalya Anatolian İmam Hatip hıgh school

    Our project in Physics has passed to the inter-high school research project competition organized by TÜBİTAK.We were entitled to participate in the regional exhibition.

    We were proud to represent our school with our students


  • Activities

    Gülcan Kaplan-Sincik AİHL

    Our students make soap with waste oil, which became waste in our school dormitory kitchen

    Gülcan Kaplan-Sincik AİHL

    Soap activity with waste oil from dormitory kitchen