
  • Welcome to our page which describes how we celebrate Christmas in Portugal!

  • What makes a Portuguese Christmas?

    Christmas in Cartaxo

    In Cartaxo the city hall puts up lights in all the trees in the main streets and square. This tree is the tallest tree in Cartaxo! - Duarte

    Christmas in Cartaxo

    There are many activities during Christmas. The main square has got many bouncy castles and slides. There is also a large snow globe for cool pictures! -João

    Christmas in Cartaxo

    On the last day of school of the first term there is a large parade in the main street. There are many groups of children in Christmas clothes. - Ana Rita

    Christmas Mass

    On the night of the 24th of December people go to mass. This is a picture of our church in Cartaxo. -Carolina B

    Christmas Presents

    In the past people would fill old shoes with presents (sapatinho), today we put our presents under the Christmas tree or in Christmas stockings! -Tomás

    Christmas Trees

    People usually decorate the Christmas tree on the 8th of December. It is a religious holiday and it used to be Mother's Day in Portugal. -Gabriel

    Christmas Food

    Portuguese people love eating. The most popular dish during this time is cod fish. There are 1001 ways of cooking it. -Dinis

    Christmas Food

    There are many things to eat at Christmas, like, for example octopus salad, roasted lamb or even the very American turkey! Every table must be full. -Carolina G

    Christmas Sweets

    At Christmas people love to eat sweets. There are many cakes and pastries to eat - Broas (moist biscuits), Filhós (fried pastries), Lampreia de Ovos (egg tart in the shape of an eel), Tronco de Natal (chocolate roll in the shape of a log) and Arroz Doce (rice pudding). -Constança

    Christmas Songs

    We have got many Christmas Songs, like "A Todos um Bom Natal" or the "Pinheiro de Natal" operata. There are many songs that have been translated from English into Portuguese, like "Pinheirinho" - "Jingle Bells". -Maria Leonor

    Nativity Scenes

    In Portugal there are many cities and villages that still make Nativity scenes celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. In Cartaxo there is a annual competition for the best one. -Leonardo

    Getting ready for the New Year

    In Portugal people start to get ready for the New Year right after Christmas. People start making plans to go the beach to see the fireworks! -Leonor