• Christmas in Italy


    Christmas in Santarém - Susana and Helena


    Christmas in Portugal - Susana and Helena




    Natal em Coimbra

    Christmas in Coimbra...







    Share your country's Christmas tradition

    A short presentation made by the students from IC CASSANO MAGNAGO II.

    The story of the Christmas Tradition in Italy


    M. Rita Rossi

    The highest Christmas tree in the world (750 m.) made on a mountain around Gubbio, centre Italy

    Our small Christmas market in Monte Romano (Viterbo) - Italy

    Christmas' desserts

    Codfish - one of the Portuguese favourite dishes.






    Christmas traditions in Romania.Presentation made by students from „Andrei Mureșanu” Dej



    Christmas traditions in Bulgaria

    Jaklin Yanova



    Christmas traditions in Slovakia through our students eyes - we hope you can read upside down - couldn´t help it :))

    Christmas traditions in Denmark. 

    Short written descriptions made by some of my students. 

    Danish Christmas traditions.pdf

    Danish Christmas (1).pdf



    Caroling on Christmas Eve in Bulgaria
    Caroling is a ritual performed at midnight on Christmas Eve. It notes the coming of Christmas and announces the birth of Jesus Christ. Only young boys and bachelors take part in the caroling. The only exception is their leader, who must be an older married man. From his house begins the ritual, where all the carols, dressed in traditional clothes, are gathered first. Then they go from house to house and sing Christmas carols. With songs and rituals, carolers wish each house and family a long life, health, prosperity and good luck. Traditionally, the songs are intended for different family members - for the head of the house, for the hostess, for the young children, for the young women and the girls and others. There are even songs for pets - cows, goats, sheep, etc.!

    One of our Christmas traditions in Spain


    Olmina Centomiglia - Italia

    Christmas in Agropoli - Italy



    Maria Bruseva - Christmas table in Bulgaria



    Lilly Tomova, Bulgaria - our Christmas traditions


    Traditions From Italy


    Justyna Makowska-Jabczyk, Morawica/Poland

    Justyna Makowska-Jabczyk, Morawica/Poland

    Justyna Makowska-Jabczyk, Morawica/Poland

    Gergana Dimitrova, Aheloy, Bulgaria

    Gergana Gyrova, 5th grade, OU "Hristo Botev", Aheloy, Bulgaria



    Christmas Traditions in Romania. Maria Rosu



    Helena Lourenço - Portugal


    Christmas in the different cities of Portugal

    Christmas Portuguese recipe -  "Bolo Rei"

    The traditional Christmas cake is 'Bolo Rei' (which means 'King Cake') and is placed in the center of the table. There is also a version without candied fruit called the 'Bolo Rainha'. Traditionally a broad bean and a gift (a little token) are hidden in the cake. If you get the token you are allowed to keep it. But if you find the broad bean, you have to pay for next year's Bolo Rei!



    After meal, people go to the church for the "Missa do Galo"